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About marcusfaz

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    On the Coast

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  1. New PVP focused DayZ server up and running with down to earth, friendly moderators who are looking to bring the old Epoch Arma2 DayZ straight to stand alone. Currently you will spawn with an introductory random loadout, so you can get stuck in right away (Get on it ASAP as this won’t be around forever). Have your say on which mods/game settings to change in the server Discord. Get in early and help build up a thriving PVP old school Dayz community experience! Merry Christmas! Ya filthy animals! List of Mods: (Have your say!) CF Trader PartyMe VanillaPlusPlusMap BaseBuildingPlus Unlimited Stamina WeaponReduxPack MoreGuns SIX-DayZ-Auto-Run Code Lock CheckPulse AND MANY MORE TO COME…… Discord: https://discord.gg/ztNtJG8 Server IP: https://dayzsalauncher.com/#/servercheck/
  2. marcusfaz

    The Finger Cowboy is here

    lol nice one Beans, Finger bang!!
  3. marcusfaz

    New clothing.

    I have a ghillie, but I'm female so I cant use it yet :(
  4. marcusfaz

    Spawn with 1000-2000-3000 blood

    Im having the same problem