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About Budheadz

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  1. Budheadz

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    I've basically bought the game twice already (arma2/SA) And im happy to hear the game will some day be available on PS4 which is a nice piece of kit. Idk who these "many people" who wont be happy with Stream or BI just because a different team will be working on a PS4 port. Its pretty childish and selfish to get worked up over something so silly.
  2. Budheadz

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    The announcement of a PS4 port is worth it for the reactions alone from the PC elitists. Ontop of that Dayz will be available on PS4 someday.
  3. Nice guide. How much a hit on performance/framerate does this take recording gameplay compared to when recording gameplay with fraps ? On "obsproject.com" it says "GPU-based game capture for high performance game streaming". And whats the capture quality like compared to fraps ?
  4. Budheadz

    A console version would kill this game tbh..

    The amount of insecure pc elitists in here is funny. I hope after their finished making the PC version, they port it to console for sure. Id double dip.
  5. Budheadz

    People over exaggerate KOS so much.

    Well, the handfull of people iv met with a M4(or anyone who had a firearm), killed me on sight. I was always unarmed... Im really hating the loot spawn as is now, cant defend yourself against them military kitted out mudafukers and their M4's. Gimme a god damn slingshot or something, how about a spud gun ?, fukn ridiculous.
  6. Budheadz

    Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

    OP, your showing extreme ignorance. Having said that, iv now payed for this game twice whichever way you want to look at it (along with alot of other people). and Dayz is doing really well on steam. So i hope BI put alot back into development and hire a much larger team to belt out substantial updates alot quicker.
  7. How many hours till release ? 5, 6 ?
  8. Yes really, This whole forum was fully expecting it to release at any minute leading upto christmas last year. Regardless of them now server testing, the expectation was very similar.
  9. The sense of deja vu in here. Anyone remember this very time last year ?, when everyone was just as much expecting it to release any day now. Had you been told back then that "a year from now and it still wont be release yet", would you of laughed in their face ?, i know i would have.
  10. Budheadz

    November Round-up

  11. Budheadz

    November Round-up

    So yesterday we get a mudafukn choo choo train, but still no word on release today ?, an attempt to build up hype no doubt, and a very annoying one at that. I guess they feel its necessary to fuk with us some more, god damn sadists!
  12. Budheadz

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Does not compute... what does that mean ?, that only loot and Z's will load into the amount in the red area ?, would a sniper in the red area be able to see and kill someone in the blue area ?
  13. Budheadz

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    What does it mean ?
  14. Budheadz

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Yeah man.., that makes like zero sense. BF or cod costs 50e or more new, with another 50 on map packs, or premium services.