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About [email protected]

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    On the Coast
  1. Someone teleported around in NL 20 at around ~21:50 GMT+2h. (19:50 UTC). I killed the cheater, inspected the body and found his name: aLk0T3sT3R ~15s later i was killed. Some time after that, around 22:10 GMT +2h i saw a Helicopter flying around. At 22:20 GMT +2h i suddenly got killed again, all alone running in the woods, a few shots from right behind me altough there couldnt have been one. (unless he camped hiden deep in the woods...) Edit: 22:55 GMT +2h on DE 2127 me (running from the spawn) and a friend (looting near Stary) both suddenly died at the same moment. I gues other players on the server too, lots of them were in the lobby then and left. U cant play this game anymore, too much cheating EVERYWHERE.
  2. The very same happend to me 10min ago. Walking around, gutting a Rabbit in a forest all alone - then suddenly i have broken legs, 0,5s later im in a room full of dozen other survivers... i realize this is a cheater/hacker/... so i alt+f4 out of the game not to get killed (already heared shots meanwhile). I yet dont know if i got killed or not... puls is still around 150. ;)