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About Iguanadjy

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    On the Coast
  1. REPOST: OK guyZ seems the solution working is: 1. Manually download (in case, dayz Updater has it already in the database for upgrade, six updater still don't) 2. Do THIS: Delete the folder of the curent profile you use in Day Z mod (ex; C:\Users\Name\Documents\ArmA 2 Other profiles ) Don't be scared relaunching the game will re-craete your profile folder. 3. Launch the game via the root .exe folder (C:\Program Files ) // NOT VIA Six Updater or It will bug at loading screen!!! TADAAAAA I'm at my +50th test; ALWAYS spawning exactly where I logged out! +10 hours gaming now. Full gear!!! :D Do tell me It works for you!!! :beans: Few answers: -FIRST THING TO DO!!! (The Reddit solution:) Delete just ONE TIME your folder in C.\mydocuments\arma2otherprofiles (it has to be the profile you use for Dayz!!!) -I know this works for windows 7 at least - +10 peoples have confirmed me it worked. - DO NOT LAUNCH THE GAME VIA SIX UPDATER/ USE THE ROOT FILE .EXE IN PROGRAME FILES (Steam path or else) EACH TIME YOU LOG IN! - DayzUpdater.exe has the in the database
  2. Check out my solution Up guys. IT WORKS!!! And to answer the few questions: -yes it works if you relog into another server, 6 of my friends tried my trick IT WORKED -No you don't have to re-set all your config just delete your profile folder in my documents ONCE, Reposting here since they don't accepted my topic as a solution... SO: 1. Manually download (in case, dayz Updater has it already in the database for upgrade, six updater still don't) 2. Do THIS: Delete the folder of the curent profile you use in Day Z mod (ex; C:\Users\Name\Documents\ArmA 2 Other profiles ) Don't be scared relaunching the game will re-craete your profile folder. 3. Launch the game via the root .exe folder (C:\Program Files ) // NOT VIA Six Updater or It will bug at loading screen!!! TADAAAAA I'm at my 20th & X test; ALWAYS spawning exactly where I logged out! // +10 hours gaming now. Full gear!!! :D Do tell me It works for you!!! :beans:
  3. OK guyZ seems the solution working is: 1. Manually download (in case, dayz Updater has it already in the database for upgrade, six updater still don't) 2. Do THIS: Delete the folder of the curent profile you use in Day Z mod (ex; C:\Users\Name\Documents\ArmA 2 Other profiles ) Don't be scared relaunching the game will re-craete your profile folder. 3. Launch the game via the root .exe folder (C:\Program Files ) // NOT VIA Six Updater or It will bug at loading screen!!! TADAAAAA I'm at my 15th test; ALWAYS spawning exactly where I logged out! 2 hours gaming now. Full gear!!! :D Do tell me It works for you!!! :beans:
  4. Iguanadjy

    back at the beach.....PoS game

    WRONG! I've tried both version on 2 PC's it' bring you back to the beach at 98% of your respawn. & For me it's started with the beta small patch even before I try to install manually Same problem, but on this one EACH loading lead you to the Beach.... Well I'm normally not complaining but I would suggest to reset all change done to the game before last thursday or so. The game was doing all good, now it's like one of the SNES game you can't switch off because you'll loose everything ^^ (well not my GEAR)
  5. Yep SAME HERE... 2nd time since the beta patch I'm still by the way. All gear, well just on the coast... (I was at ... Mountain)