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About pizzaman11

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    Want to help others.
  1. pizzaman11

    Looking for teammate or small group

    do you have a steam account?
  2. pizzaman11

    Looking for teammate or small group

    added you on steam. We are a group of three currently if you are willing to join.
  3. since I basically can no longer play. I can't update to on commander because it states "Error getting files". Then the Six launcher says its updated but states i'm still on 2.4. I tried manually and that hasn't done anything. So I just undid everything and just tried playing on 2.4. yet I still cant. Most servers state that it's out of date, if I'm lucky to find one that doesn't say that I get kicked from the game when I try to join, and when i'm the luckiest I get into a game just to spawn back on the coast. Does anyone have any answers?
  4. pizzaman11

    Looking for a group.

    http://steamcommunit.../id/avpoirier1/ also just got killed when I found my first ever as50... So I'm back on the coast.
  5. I've solo'd this game to death and I'm tired of flying solo and looking to join a group(preferably small). - I'm 19 - EST - Been playing for two months - I usually role as a medic - I'm serious when i need to be - No specific game style
  6. pizzaman11

    Chernarus Tactical Force ~RECRUITING~

    1. How long have you had DayZ? Two months 2. How old are you? 19 3. What is your favorite weapon/role? M16a2/M24(basically anything that starts with an M)/Medic 4. If you have any prior clan experience, list it here: None, just some small group experience. 5. Are you willing to follow commands/use tactics? Yes Steam or Skype name: steam - cmcfrenchie
  7. pizzaman11

    Looking for Team members

    Well what do you guys do if youre not looking for gear/cars?
  8. Age: 19 Must be Mature(are you?): When I need to be What kind of communications you have? (ventrillo, team-speak.. etc) all Gear List: frag, tent, food, watch, map, matches, knife Main Weapon: AKM currently Side Arm: M9 SD Medical: my pack is just filled with everything but antibiotics Dosier:(about yourself, play style, etc) all I want to do is help people also relaxed Tactical Position: (what position your good at.) medic
  9. pizzaman11

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    Why is it that all through out this thread people are saying how they will post a video or picture to support whatever claim they have... yet not a single sliver of evidence has been posted yet?
  10. pizzaman11

    Would like some friends.

    Ill join you guys, i really dont have any specific play style. Im just sick of playing solo. I usually role as a medic.
  11. pizzaman11

    US 1040 Colony Idea?

    Where is info on joining this? I would gladly help you guys with all things medical.
  12. pizzaman11

    Why the hell are there so many guns?

    I personally play this game for the PVP/surviving aspect. If I wanted a limited amount of guns and hordes of zombies(different thread) I would go play Left 4 Dead. PVP makes this game, not the zombies. The variety in all the equipment you can get makes this game interesting. Fact is that there is no realistic zombie survival game.
  13. pizzaman11

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    i am not white listed but i am at balota airfield right now and i will help.
  14. pizzaman11

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    if anyone needs help in the area from kamenka to electro I am glad to help.
  15. pizzaman11

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I am around the cherno area and can help anyone who needs it.