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About hellhoundpro

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    On the Coast
  1. hellhoundpro

    Citizen1.scope error

    Buuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmpppppppppppppppppppppppp dis man needs HELP
  2. Leave your skype name down below and I'll add you!!
  3. I just purchased Arma 2 OC off amazon in order to play DayZ. I have since probably uninstalled and reinstalled it 5 times in order to try and make it work . I have used three methods so far including the retail version, the six updater version and another installer someone told me to try but everytime i get the same issue which is when I try and connect to a server, after about 10 seconds of it saying joining server, it kicks me back to the server list and says "Connecting failed" I have tried everything I can think of to possibly fix it and I've probably spent about 5 hours exhausting every detail. When I launch Arma2 OA I have Dayz in the top left corner so it seems like its their and its also listedd under expansion. I have no clue whats going on. Any help would be greatly appreciated in fixing this problem! Thanks in advance. OH also I just noticed on the server list, next to all the servers is a red X. What does that mean?