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About bobbykotick

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. bobbykotick

    This is just getting annoying.

    The way server saves work now - to prevent people server hopping/farming. When you leave the game your character dosnt get saved. Now it on timer. From teh moment you loot stuff say about 2-5 - 10 minutes before your character is save. Put items in tent - log out = character will not be saved. You have to wait 5-10 min.
  2. bobbykotick

    My Day in DayZ

    Spawn as a male on the shores of who knows where. Run! Find first traces of civilization. Supermarket, hospital and empty apartments. Zombies! Shit there are Zombies here!!! Run! Run! Run some more! Still running. OK lost them. A barn in the middle of nowhere... Crawl. Crawl. Crawl a little bit more. Almost there. Shit this zombie is walking right in to me. Crawl to the left. Crawl to the left. Almost there. YES! In your face zombies! I made it inside the creepy eerie barn. A double barrel shotgun! What a find, no more crawling for me. And look over hear beans and can of PEPSI?! Nice! I will survive this!!! THUNDER DOME!!! THUNDER DOME!!! WTF was that? OK I guess I will try a female this time. THUNDER DOME!!! THUNDER DOME!!! THUNDER DOME!!! THUNDER DOME!!! GOAT!!! A GOAT?!?! WTF is wrong with this island. I'm flying! No wait I am falling!!!! This is wrong this is so wrong!!! This is some twisted island... OK I guess I am done for the day, better read that dayzwiki. Learn how to play goat and thunder dome.
  3. bobbykotick

    Battleye's a joke...

    Have to agree that Battle eye is a sad joke. I know how cheating works and I have been on the giving and the reciving ends of cheating. But ARMA 2 cheats have been around day one. These are the same cheats - summon vehicle / teleport / thunderdome / summon items. Same cheats you would see in Arma 2 long before DayZ. This game got a lot of publicity and got popular very fast - I am guessing it will fade just as fast. On bright side of things we will see less cheaters.