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About renix

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. We are a clan that consists of people who like to play and drink beer, talk shit and not take too hard on life. Are you a casual buddie that wants somewhere to hang out in your gaming then you are welcome to apply. We require that consideration be given to each other regardless of gender or origin. Our minimum age is 20, but there can be exceptions down to 18. Currently, we play mostly: Arma 2 Arma 3 Battlefield 3 CS: GO DayZ And of course we are waiting with excitement for DayZ SA! At this writing, we have our own Teamspeak 3 server, a MSO Arma 2 ACE / ACRE server, a Infestation server and a CS: GO server up and running! If this sounds like something for you then go in and submit an application at: http://www.semper-fidelis.se/home Regards [sF] ReniX
  2. Hello everyone! We are a Swedish clan who have purchased a hive server, it will be a password on it. We are looking for clans who would like to join our server so there will be a clan war but we have some rules to be able to join our server and it is -You have at least 5 players who play dayz active and that you have a clan website. We do this because it's just too much hackers and we are tired of it. Please visit our website www.semper-fidelis.se and click 'sign our dayz server' and follow the form. The server name is: DayZLingor - (0.34/96896) - (UTC-8) - (Veteran|3D:ON|CH:OFF) - Hosted by www.semper-fidelis.se IP: And we still use Battleye and Vilayer Anti Cheat 0.8 If you have any questions send an e-mail to [email protected]
  3. renix

    Clan war

    Halloj! We are a Swedish clan who have purchased a hive server that will be a password on it. We are looking for clan who would like to join on our server so they become clan war but we have little rules to be able to join on our server and it is That you have at least 5 players who play dayz active and that you have a clan website. We do this because it's just too much hackers and we are tired of the whole of it. Please visit our website www.semper-fidelis.se and click 'sign our dayz server' and follow the form. The mod is Lingor.
  4. Don't buy it, its like 75% hacker on the all server and that boring me out really :(
  5. renix

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Our Swedish elite soldiers :) http://www.semper-fidelis.se/sysmodule/m/1694318/detail/75165#pid=702149