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Everything posted by ciphra

  1. ciphra

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    Nvm.. allready found out
  2. ciphra

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    is the password changed? I cannot join anymore..
  3. ciphra

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    and then I died to the most epic glitch ever :/ karma took my life for me taking the bus ^^
  4. ciphra

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    Look what I found :o Someone lost his bus ^^ ?
  5. ciphra

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    Here is proof of the tent I could acces and those I couldn't, there kinda IN that tree xD
  6. ciphra

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    Wooop Wooop, I found a tent-camp ^^ 3 tents, with FN-Fal, m14 AIM and some mags in 1 tent, and the other 2 I cannot acces T_T Please tell me the owners can't acces them too ^^ I left your stuff btw, dont have the ammo for it :P
  7. ciphra

    I found a Radio

    http://afbeelding.im/4Og url to the image :)
  8. ciphra

    I found a Radio

    what i forgot to mention in my earlier post, I've added all the numbers, and then devided by 12. Outcome was 37,5 and I believe 91,5 (not sure, but I've written it down somewhere), and guess what? you can say those are the cords for green mountain. some other theory I have running through my head, is with the locations of the deer stands.. what it the resemble the outskirts of the infected area? They were ordered to keep the infected/infection in, and the civilization out. but as with all stories about 'infected' versus military, they never know they need to get a headshot to die. infection spreads out, and then the remaining military leaves the area..? I think I'll be making 3 drawings to post you guys, 1 with the stands connected in the order they are called off, 1 marking the outskirts, and 1 connecting every deer stand to the other 10 (11-1'blind'spot). Maybe that will figure something out. Still, I'm very curious what will happen if someone who has a radio and heared the playings visits the blind spot.. Maybe there is a hidden 'mission' in dayz, and no-one can find I, because it's the mission file you download every time you join a server. though I believe no-one is still actively participating to this forum..?
  9. Hello guys, I've started playing dayZ with a couple of friends, but most of them are lame ass retards and don't play anymore ^^ There is just 1 person, and he only plays twice a week or something, while I mostly play 2-5 hours a day. (Unless the GF is over ofc :/). Now I'm just looking for a dutch clan with preferably ts, but skype is ok for me too. I'm 17, playing DayZ for 2 months now, I know the main gameplay, but I'm ready to get in the team-playing and stuff like that. We might be able to learn eachother some tips and tricks ^^ Thanks in advantage, ik weet eigenlijk niet waarom ik het in het engels schrijf als het aan nederlanders gericht is.. :/ Whatever, hope to see you snel :D
  10. ciphra

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    Soooo.. it was your body I heared :P I went out for investigation and got missed by a sniper. Duck for cover in the barracks, and while I tried to figure out where he shot from, someone entered from the door.. FML xd Never got to use the first beartrap I ever found :(
  11. ciphra

    I found a Radio

    meh, can't upload from here, i'll throw it online when i get back home, hang on for a few hours ^^
  12. ciphra

    I found a Radio

    well, I took some time and matched the dots.. It is not really 1 figure.. There is indeed 1 set of chords that doesnt match to a deer stand. In fact, it is kinda in between 2 deer stands, which 1 of the 2 being the next stand in the row of cords. This might be wrong, or there might be something there. I'll try to post in the drawing in made in another post ^^ I think this might be interesting.. Though it is a sandbox game, there should be something to keep it fun, and in this case, scary. People will of course get paranoia, but others will stay cool. Well for them, there should be stuff like this, keep them entertained you know. I really like the idea, and I'm willing to participate in solving the case ^^ Though the OP hasn't been online for quitte some time, maybe he can post something about the radio, or anyone else who found the radio and heared the sounds? I mean, it's all over the internet, I don't think it'll all come from just 1 person.. Therefore, if even the wiki makes notice of it, I don't believe it's fake. If it was fake, Rocket or some other guy would have told us. I also find the mission file (txt.blabla) very interesting.. It is talking about something random you'd find, and 'the next tape' you would get. Well hey, tape for in the radio? To unlock the next thing? What I also find very creepy, the people who do find a radio post it here, and then are never to be heard of again... (Dum dum dummm....)
  13. ciphra

    Dutchy looking for clan

    Ik kan momenteel jullie website even niet bekijken, hoop er vanavond eventjes tijd voor te hebben.. Wat houd dat precies in, dat 'registreren'?
  14. ciphra

    Dutchy looking for clan

    geen andere nederlandse clans/groepen die nog een member zoeken ?
  15. Ghaallooo,, So, I see all these people talking about bandit and hero skins, and their humanity.. Are those new, or very old, or outdated or what.. Because my debug monitor also just disappeared.. Which I find very frustrating, not knowing how much blood I have.. And I really liked knowing my humanity.. Shortly; - What are bandit/hero skins? - Where's my debug monitor? - How can I check my blood amount without DM? Thanks ^^
  16. ciphra

    DE ????

    soo.. This is going to be a long story, prepare yourself ^^ Me and a friend where playing on a German server, because our (new) home server was on night and we both just died, and where a huge distance apart.. as we both enter elektra, we decided to meet at the church. I was allready inside, camping the door and he had to come. as I wait, I hear something from the west.. I tell him to be carefully and right as the words pass my lips, I see a camo-guy on a quad.. my friend panics and shoots him from the quad. both very confused, wether to be happy with the quad, or sad with the kill, we decide to loot the guy and take off with the quad. but right as he jumps on the quad when I was about to quick-loot him, we both get shot. he dies immediately, but I go KO. so when my timer is about half, the killer shows up, and starts looting his presumable friend, my friend and tries to loot me. he then picks me up, draws me to some corner, and shoots me together with some Z's. As we both respawn, we are close to elektra, so we go back. my friend spots the quad, but also a small red car. he takes the car, and drives to me. right as he stops, he gets killed again (pray-shot with SVD camo). the killer turns out to be the same guy, with the same equipment. He gives me a bullet to the knee and tells me not to shoot him again or he will kill me. acting like a total noob, is ask him why I cannot walk. he gives me a bandage and morphine, and I step in the back
  17. ciphra

    DE ????

    i double posted somehow.. this is just half the story, the right one should be outa there too
  18. ciphra

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    heey, I just spoke HerrJon, and I've allready contacted Dr Wasteland, because I'd like to join the scavengers team. So now I'm searching for some S&L people who can teach me how to do it properly according the rules. Thanks allready :)
  19. ciphra

    Hero skins.. Bandit skins..

    so its a glitch? You have to choose between seeing your blood, and seeing your hunger/thirst? Or is it supposed to be that way?
  20. Hey hello fella's, I'm probably not the only one, wondering how you got killed when you are in a 1 v 1 combat and somehow get shot from behind. I was thinking about somewhat of a Kill-Cam in this particular case (without nametag of course). Though sometimes, you call friendly, they call friendly, you loot together and... BAM!! Headshot.. In that particular case, I would prefer to see the name of the pussy-ass faggot who killed me this way, so I can hunt his ass down.. Or at least now to be carefull around him the next time.. Thats also 1 of the reasons I prefer to type, instead of VoIP. Because in the chat, it displays a name, so you know who you are talking to. That could immediately solve the problem of getting pussy-killed. Maybe something to think about.. I'm sorry if this idea is allready brought up, I dont spent very much time in the new Idea - section. Though I just saw some interesting title's, so I think I am going to spent the next few hours here ^^. Greetings..
  21. ciphra

    Poison bolts

    Well hello, I posted this idea allready in another topic, about explosive crossbowbolts, but here comes the idea some other guy gave me.. chance of sickness, is like, 0.01% chance. I play DayZ around 1-2 months now, and even yesterday, when I've been laying down for half an hour, mid night on a cold rooftop in the rain, NO FUCKING ILLNESS. Antibiotics? Why are they even in the game? But, with the chance of infection (in the way discribed as above, crossbow bolts retrieved from zombitches should get a debuff causing infection. And should be reloadable, just like slugs and pallets in shotguns, you would have clean and infected crossbowbolts) crossbows will get back in the game again. Right now, like, every weapon is better then the crossbow. Yes it is silenced, but a winchester counts as nearly silenced and has a 15-bullet ammo clip. Yeah I know what I would take.. But when you could infect players with crossbow bolts, making them cough (witch gives away position), make them have the same disruptive shacking as when feeling pain, and getting blurry vision (as when getting to few blood), it would bring a crossbow back in the PvP-range.. so well, think about it.. Wouldn't it be awesome?
  22. ciphra

    Kill Cam - Kill Tags

    at first, kill cam idea was allready abandoned, so stop bitchin about 'CoD faggots' and stuff like that, I don't even play it T_T secondly, it's not about revenge, when you get shot IN A LEGGIT WAY!! I don't care when someone outplays me, and manages to kill me because I let down my guard. The only thing I want, is to know the fucking name, of that pussy-ass retard who backshotted me.. here come's the background story; I spotted a guy, said hi, he shot, he missed, I shot, I hit, broken leg. He then sais he panicked, didn't intend to kill me. I kept carefull, as I proceeded to let him bandage himself, gave him blood, and when he asked for morphine, I refused. Then I left, with the message, be glad you are alive. I walk in to a house few streets ahead, loot it, go to store (closely to where we met), and start looting the place. I see him crawling through the street, towards the hospital.. He spots me, I spot him. I know he is coming, but I'm like, hey, I patched him up, if he wanted to kill me, he'd allready done that.Then, I hear the VoIP from behind, after all, we meet again, now gimme that morphine, and the next thing I see is the hand of death.. Maybe you can understand now, that I gladly wanna know this faggot's name, so I can break his legs again, and this time make sure I have some flares with me.. Or at least be able to warn other people for him..
  23. ciphra

    Kill Cam - Kill Tags

    Ok, kill cam idea is just my personell preference, because I sometime wonder why the hell I got shot from that position. Still I want the names to be shown in VoIP, because it happens too damn much that people who call out friendly, start to headshot when you go looting. That is 1 fucking anoying thing, that should be punishable, by either DayZ, BattleEye, or players themselves..
  24. ciphra

    explosive tip bolts

    I agree to this one here. chance of sickness, is like, 0.01% chance. I play DayZ around 1-2 months now, and even yesterday, when I've been laying down for half an hour, mid night on a cold rooftop in the rain, NO FUCKING ILLNESS. Antibiotics? Why are they even in the game? But, with the chance of infection (in the way discribed as above, crossbow bolts retrieved from zombitches should get a debuff causing infection. And should be reloadable, just like slugs and pallets in shotguns, you would have clean and infected crossbowbolts) crossbows will get back in the game again. Right now, like, every weapon is better then the crossbow. Yes it is silenced, but a winchester counts as nearly silenced and has a 15-bullet ammo clip. Yeah I know what I would take.. But when you could infect players with crossbow bolts, making them cough (witch gives away position), make them have the same disruptive shacking as when feeling pain, and getting blurry vision (as when getting to few blood), it would bring a crossbow back in the PvP-range.. Sir, you have my beans for starting my brain work up to this amazing idea ^^