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Everything posted by impulse10112@hotmail.com

  1. impulse10112@hotmail.com

    Will Snipers Be Removed Or At Least Tweaked In S.A?

    Didnt know there was so much qq'ing about snipers. .50 cals I knew people didn't like (mostly because of scripters), but whats wrong with normal snipers? The vast majority of players are terrible shots and of the few that are good shots, would still be able to take you out anyway.
  2. impulse10112@hotmail.com

    You know you luv DayZ when....

    Buy the game
  3. impulse10112@hotmail.com

    what i found in my basement that can help dayz

    Do yourselves a favour guys and watch
  4. impulse10112@hotmail.com

    what i found in my basement that can help dayz

    Meh, Redlettermedia rip off. People should really check out the Plinkett Reviews, really funny stuff. From what I know of rumors, it should be possible, but I dont think we will see anything like that for a long time still
  5. impulse10112@hotmail.com

    Tell me your stupidest death stories...

    Running along edge of the roof of a building, my cat jumps onto my keyboard and my character runs off the side of then building to his death. My cats are weird, they somehow disconnect my keyboard every time they walk by my computer which has also caused me to die a few times in various games.
  6. impulse10112@hotmail.com

    My Perspective (

    Ive still found the zombies to be pretty easy to avoid/get rid of. Nothing new for me in terms of zombies except they are a little more annoying when you get into a fire fight with someone. Ive never really had them run through things for a year or so. All this patch has done really is made it harder for the bad bandits to kill noobs.
  7. NickName : SharpClaws Age :21 Clan/Community :TG How many hours per week do you game? :As many as I can depending on work. Normally 3-4 hours a day Why should we take you ? : Mature dedicated DayZ gamer. What more can you ask for?
  8. impulse10112@hotmail.com

    New Update Makes DayZ Extremely Difficult

    Im loving the new zombie aggro. Killed a bandit near Stary tents with an m14 and the whole town came to say hi.
  9. impulse10112@hotmail.com

    Who else LIKES the new update?

    Ever since I started finding bandit bodies wielding Enfields surrounded by a few zombie body, Ive been liking the patch.
  10. impulse10112@hotmail.com

    New to this forum.. A popular question im asking i guess?

    Yep, but it wont cost much. Rocket is planning on releasing it like Minecraft at the same kind of pricepoint IIRC.
  11. impulse10112@hotmail.com

    Who Else Thinks Pushes Annoyance and Survival Too Far?

    I only have one thing to say to any change that makes the game harder on the players: Bring it on
  12. impulse10112@hotmail.com

    So rocket, a western city eh?

    Cmon, NZ based map :D Christchurch might be alright
  13. impulse10112@hotmail.com

    Why always Russia

    No one would be able to survive. NZ would be a far more interesting terrain (sorry AUSbros)
  14. impulse10112@hotmail.com

    Interview with Matthew Lightfoot

    Are we going to be able to check out this document Rockets brother made? Might be some good publicity :P
  15. impulse10112@hotmail.com

    Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

    Man, when this game releases it will be the end of my gaming career. Based off of my experience with the mod and the depth they are adding to the SA, I doubt anything better will come out for a long long time.
  16. impulse10112@hotmail.com

    Tough Weapon Choice Decision (REALLY Good Weapons)

    Does it matter since you wont be playing against people? Imo use the Bizon.
  17. impulse10112@hotmail.com

    Rocket quiet over holidays...

    Oooh if hes in NZ I might go creep out around his house :o
  18. impulse10112@hotmail.com

    L85A2 removed?

    Its just removed from the spawn tables. You still might be able to find one around
  19. impulse10112@hotmail.com

    DayZ Standalone & Battleye

    Hey be fair, he may have had his steam account hacked or lost his CD-key.
  20. impulse10112@hotmail.com

    DayZ FPS Spikes.

    Depends on what the rest of your system is. I used to have a 4890 and it was a good card, decent enough for med in ArmA2. It really is time to move on though and get a newer card or even a newer system depending on what you have at the moment
  21. impulse10112@hotmail.com

    Project Freedom [Recruiting]

    Age (Be Honest): 21 In Game Name: SkapeGoat or SharpClaws Country/Timezone: Central US (Just moved here, dunno the real name for it) Are You Active?: Not so much anymore as I havent had much to do ingame Experience In Dayz: Tons Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Yep, used to be in an old clan, lost track of them in my move I work late nights on the weekends, so Ill be on during the days, or really late nights onmy days off.Ill probably play much more if I have a goal. I can fit into any role, but would prefer to be a scout. I would also like to play as a support gunner or a medic if thats possible.
  22. impulse10112@hotmail.com

    How Will My PC Handle This Game

    You will be fine. I was playing on all high settings with a PII & GTX570, could have gone higher, but I never messed with the settings. A 2.8Ghz i5 is more than enough for this game.
  23. impulse10112@hotmail.com

    LOL I just got killed

    I got killed as a new spawn just after finding a Lee Enfield. My killer wasted 3 mags of his ammo to kill me. Such bad shots in this game.
  24. impulse10112@hotmail.com

    Dayz Standalone

    Its using VAC from what I remember. According to the presentation Rocket gave.