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Everything posted by TheHighPhilosopher

  1. TheHighPhilosopher

    Spawn Points or random?

    Will you spawn in random places on the coast or are there certain areas you spawn in? Or to make it clearer, when you spawn, what are all the places the second line can say?
  2. So all the other topics about this have kind of been bashed. People thought it was a bad idea. Some said that if you kill someone they'll log on as a second character and kill you. (Personally, I don't think this would happen.) So I thought of this idea. It's a good one. There can be 3 main "Channels" Channel A: (10 servers) Channel B: (10 servers) Channel C: (10 servers) Now, you can keep one character in each channel. Each channel has it's own amount of servers. This prevents people from revenge killing. Your characters WON'T be able to channel hop. If you created the character in channel A, then you can't bring it over to channel B. You'll have to play on the servers that Channel A has. I think this is a really good idea to have more than one profile/character. Let me know what you think. Because I think this could work.
  3. TheHighPhilosopher

    The Standalone

    Today is my first day with DayZ and I've been hearing a lot about a standalone version. Some say it'll come september, some say it'll come in 2-3 years. Can someone clear it up for me? Will there even be a standalone? When would it come out? Would it be console? You know, that stuff. Thanks in advance. :)
  4. TheHighPhilosopher

    An idea for future dayz

    Hahahaha XD
  5. TheHighPhilosopher

    An idea for future dayz

    Well first of all, I don't want currency, so that's not a good reason to use for NPCs. Here's a reason for no currency that you brought up yourself. All currency will do is bring up more violence. People kill, take money, buy better gear. It'll turn this game into a deathmatch. Currency will destroy the game.
  6. TheHighPhilosopher

    An idea for future dayz

    I'm half and half for economy. What happens when you get the best equipment? What'll you even use the money for? The game should be about surviving, not living the good life. As to NPCs, I'm 100% no.
  7. TheHighPhilosopher

    the waste issue

    It shouldn't happen but that doesn't mean this wasn't funny to read.
  8. TheHighPhilosopher

    Make more than one profile (Hear me out)

    I agree with this guy. Let's say you spend a lot of time making your character get better. Then boom, the server gets hacked or deleted, or SOMETHING goes wrong. That's bye-bye for your character.
  9. TheHighPhilosopher

    Make more than one profile (Hear me out)

    I was only using 10 as an example.
  10. TheHighPhilosopher

    what can we do against hacks?

    Only this would take out a lot of the immersion. Now you know who the killers are before you even meet them. So that whole "Should I trust them or not?" will go away. Which is bad.
  11. TheHighPhilosopher

    Looking for a clan

    I just started playing today, but I made it a pretty good way. I found a friend and got some car parts, a map, a watch, food, a shotgun, ammo, etc. I'd really like to find players to hang out with who DON'T just shoot on sight. I have a mic. Soo yeah. Steam ID: xknockoutzx In-game name: Kevin
  12. TheHighPhilosopher

    How can my little brother play?

    I bought the game thinking you could have multiple profiles. Basically, I ended up getting pretty far with a friend. I got a map, a watch, a shotgun, food, drinks, and some other things. I think I'm in Elektro hidden somewhere. Pretty much, my little brother and I split the cost for the game. I'd like for him to be able to play it but I know he'll die because it's his first time playing and I don't want to lose all of my things. Any advice? I feel really bad keeping him back from playing.
  13. TheHighPhilosopher

    Make more than one profile (Hear me out)

    I'm only using one for now. However I did find a private server so my little brother could play his on his own as well.
  14. TheHighPhilosopher

    WHAT IF: Region's Zombie Spawn was linked to Humanity?

    I feel like this would make ONLY good players though. Like, everyone would be fighting to help each other out, as crazy as that sounds. The douchy DayZ players are what makes the game challenging and fun. I think there should be small rewards for being "good" and small punishments for being "bad".
  15. TheHighPhilosopher

    Make more than one profile (Hear me out)

    I hate when people make an argument like this. Okay, look at it this way: Some people do want to have more than one. Some want to stick with one. Just because we allow people to have more than one doesn't mean you'll be forced to. If you want to stick with one character, that's fine. The way I see it, everybody wins.
  16. TheHighPhilosopher

    Make more than one profile (Hear me out)

    Not a bad idea. But sometimes I like to check out different servers. Find different people. Not a bad idea though. I'm still sticking with my Channels idea.
  17. TheHighPhilosopher

    Make more than one profile (Hear me out)

    Actually, I have a temporary solution for that. This should help that out. :D Google "DayZ Commander" Download this and open it. In it, search "Private". It will find you servers that have their own Private Hive, and are not connected to the main Hive. Try a few out. Some are actually really fast. Pick one out and you can start another character. So each family member gets a server. Favorite the servers also, so you know how to find them again.
  18. TheHighPhilosopher

    How can my little brother play?

    He's 13. Not that young. It's not like hes 5.
  19. TheHighPhilosopher

    How can my little brother play?

    This works! Thank you!
  20. TheHighPhilosopher

    Making new profiles and new lives

    Don't feel bad. I'm 100% with you. My little brother and I split the cost of the game because I thought we could both play it. I found a friend and got pretty far into it. I want him to be able to play but I know he's going to die and I went through a lot to get all that stuff. No D-bag is going to go through all that trouble for revenge. It's easily avoidable. I think multiple profiles should be put in the game.