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About -Legion-Expendable

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  1. -Legion-Expendable

    Motorcycle Spawns

    I saw one in the town next to NE airfield back in 1.5.5
  2. -Legion-Expendable

    big problem i can't fix

    Sounds like you disconnected while in combat. The hourglass should take about three minutes to go away. Otherwise you might need to contact a Dev to see if they can slay your character so you can respawn..
  3. -Legion-Expendable

    Simple solution to disconnect exploit

    When you initiate PVP, it will flag you as fighting. When you are fighing you cannot log out, and if you crash your game on purpose, your character will remain ingame for a minute or two, helpless.
  4. -Legion-Expendable


    So you admit to being an alt+f4 guy? Classy.
  5. -Legion-Expendable

    Dat feel...

    I'll trade you all the bullets I got for them Chaos.
  6. -Legion-Expendable

    Who's got "A LIST"

    Mess with Legion and I'm sure your lost will get much, much longer.
  7. -Legion-Expendable

    The Disconnect Penalty

    Rotinaj, welcome to the dayz forums, where reading comprehension is optional.
  8. -Legion-Expendable


  9. -Legion-Expendable


    You're a bit ill-informed Lofty. We were kicking people who were not members or donators. Like you said we ceased that action. We've cleaned up our act too, to some of our member's disdain. TBH the hate is more of a knee jerk reaction to our name. It has nothing to do with 4chan, but players associate us with that group because it is similar to their slogan. Oh well. Haters gonna hate.
  10. -Legion-Expendable

    IF this was an actual game...

    Single purchase, smaller dev team. Big studio funding is great and all, but it's hard to retain your identity in that big of a workspace. I like that idea of a "minecraft" style login. Sell the game during alpha/beta to get funding, have a central login that is your character on all servers.
  11. -Legion-Expendable

    NON-PVP server ?

    PvP is part of the game. I'm sorry you are having a hard time surviving. Like it was said before, try to link up with like-minded players. Finding a clan with a TS or Vent is pretty much mandatory. Do you play in CST? Legion is always looking for fresh meat.
  12. -Legion-Expendable


    I'm glad to see more clans being formed. Maybe we can share the hate from the QQers instead of all of it being aimed at Legion. Maybe we can arrange a co-op mission between our clans and do some looting?
  13. -Legion-Expendable

    The Disconnect Penalty

    It's also pretty hilarious when I am trekking around in the woods, and I come across another player just doing their thing. I'm not a bandit, so I try to direct chat them (usually doesn't work) and say hey. When they do hear me, 90% of the time they will log off simply because they don't know where I am and I got the drop on them. I agree with what you are saying about needing a disconnect penalty, but let me add to that. I think that there should be a "proper" way to log out. Maybe going prone for 10 seconds while it completes an action to "go to sleep" or something like that. Afterwards you just leave the server like normal. Otherwise it leaves a ghost player or bot that can be killed and looted.
  14. -Legion-Expendable

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Freeborne, keep in mind that the weird bug where you can't go to the player select screen still exists, so thoseragequitters could jyst be bugged.