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ptk (DayZ)

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Everything posted by ptk (DayZ)

  1. ptk (DayZ)

    Sneak peek on what's comming

    Well, i just got a boner!
  2. ptk (DayZ)

    What's your Favorite Weapon right now?

    Only the prOs use the can opener...
  3. ptk (DayZ)

    Falling 1 story to your death.

    Lol of all the things that are posted in these forums mine gets deleted lol. (sigh) Anyways, it sounds like your life is on the right track, well 50% of the time that is...
  4. ptk (DayZ)

    player characters are too fat for an apocalipse

    I will have to check this out. Ty!
  5. ptk (DayZ)

    player characters are too fat for an apocalipse

    Does it show when on your char and not in the inv? I could have swore that i had a ruined shirt before but it didn't look ruined...
  6. ptk (DayZ)

    player characters are too fat for an apocalipse

    While i never weighed my character ingame (devs haven't added scales yet obviously) i think that the look of the clothes you wore should degrade asthetically along with their condition (ex pristine, worn, ruined, etc...). it would be a solid way to address this issue...
  7. ptk (DayZ)

    Falling 1 story to your death.

    So where did you get this 50% statistic of living if you fall three stories on your head? Iknew a guy who fell out of the back of a truck going less than ten miles an hour and he died. It seems that you pull statistics out of your ass, well at least 50% of the time... Perhaps your character wanted to commit suicide knowing that you were controlling him?
  8. ptk (DayZ)

    DayZ - Scam, no refunding, just money waste, thx!

    Let the buyer beware! Clearly, this applies to early access games. I can't say I'm real big supporter of this new method of making and selling games, but clearly this has become the new trend, and as with micro transactions, early access won't be going anywhere if we keep investing money in them. On the flipside, it does help some gems get the funding they deserve, and it opens up to a much more robust gaming market. So what's the greater good here? A much smaller, big name, AAA title market, or a larger diverse market? As i have felt burned by both, in one way or another, i would choose the latter of the two. And Dayz is one of those gems...
  9. ptk (DayZ)

    Spawning of guns

    Cmon fellas, 187 posts and you thought i was serious? Fuck lol, i think some of you need to take a break! Cool off and try not to let the toxicity of these forums drag you down... Cod, spawn with weapons, LOL...
  10. ptk (DayZ)

    Spawning of guns

    Gotta love when people take the bait lol. Cmon man, you really thought i was serious? LOL
  11. ptk (DayZ)

    Spawning of guns

    Why not? I mean it's probably just that the devs need to optimize the engine like they have been saying, so it's obvious dayz isn't going to be as functional as cod at this point. That's why it's an alpha silly lol...
  12. ptk (DayZ)

    Acceptable behavior? aka 'Cool story Bro' time

    Think of duping like pooping! It's something that every asshole does, but isn't something to discuss in public... Write that down!
  13. ptk (DayZ)

    Spawning of guns

    I think gun spawns are kinda silly atm. We should just spawn with whatever guns we want, just like in cod. I know, i know alpha and all, but it's something the devs will look into soon i imagine...
  14. ptk (DayZ)

    New glitch

    Is it coincidence that the topic of homosexuality came up in the exact thread you two are bonding in (wink, wink)?
  15. ptk (DayZ)

    Current DayZ

    Sorry man! I don't know what i can do to help because the devs haven't added baby pacifiers yet... (don't give up)
  16. ptk (DayZ)

    What would you do?

    I had a few thoughts on this, and I think that if zombies spawned in proportion to the city/town/ etc... that would help facilitate some coop. going into cherno or elektro (while certainly not necessary by any means) would be suicide for a single player and would require a group to loot it. perhaps things like this would unlock new respawn points or the ability to choose your next spawn. after reading your post pendragon, I immediately thought of the scene in 28 days later where he is downtown after leaving the hospital. the circle or square, or whatever it was, was littered with messages, missing persons notifications etc... one of the most depressing moments in the movie imo. but perhaps a bulletin board of some sort, where players post objectives and other players can choose to do them. finally, what if the radio was implemented to occasionally send out random messages that provide clues to secret loot spots or hideouts (think of the tape cassettes in fallout new vegas). this could help give the player some optional direction in the game if one was looking for that sort of thing. maps, diaries etc... could also work as well. on a side note- I also was thinking that green mountain should be controllable if you found components to get the facility to run with power. again this could be a group related task as a sole player would have a very hard time... but if you brought it back online, you could choose various msgs to send out (perhaps searching for other survivors or unlocking coordinates for loot spots, vehicles, player fortifications, which bandits could likewise use as ambush points etc...???
  17. ptk (DayZ)

    A dead end, but a new friend?

    always good to see compassionate folk in dayz. however, I simply cannot give you beans cus you shot your companion lol. great story nonetheless. here's to better times for you and everyone here...gl out there!
  18. ptk (DayZ)

    US264 Dallas Adrenaline Gaming

    jesus saves lives... so does alt+f4
  19. are you looking for more people? well if you need a cranky old american war vet (34), then let me know... skype info in my profile... (steam is awsome sauce btw hehe...)
  20. ptk (DayZ)

    This is a SIMULATION, not a GAME.

    I see you miss the point rather often so I'll ask again, how the FUCK DO YOU CORRUPT A THREAD WITH A POLL IN IT THAT ASKS YOU TO CHOOSE WHAT YOU PREFER???" by making a choice that clearly you don't favor??? see how this makes you look stupid...
  21. ptk (DayZ)

    This is a SIMULATION, not a GAME.

    how can you corrupt a thread with a poll on whether its a game or simulation. just because people disagree with your ideas for the game doesn't make them any less valid, nor does it equate to having to win some forum battle. again, as its been brought up numerous times in numerous threads that there are plenty of servers that accommodate both first and third person views. why continue to force-feed your bullshit when you have the option to play first person only already... just to make others have to play dayz like you want them too??? its a sandbox brah... don't tell me how to enjoy my game.
  22. ptk (DayZ)

    Underground Base.

    hopefully, there will be multiple ways to create player bases/fortifications down the line...
  23. ptk (DayZ)

    This is a SIMULATION, not a GAME.

    the reason why the game is a HYPER REALISTIC SIMULATION is because you choose to play it that way. realistically, it's a SANDBOX GAME where each player chooses to play it his or her own way... people play different ways, servers accommodate to those player preferences. to eliminate choices equates to eliminating player base, especially if people already had those choices originally. while some could care less, the devs and BI (who want to make money) most certainly will. but if were talking hyper realistic simulation, then we should eliminate even more choices. you should not be able to choose your gender. you should have a statistically, proportional chance of spawning in with a weight problem and thus being slower, naturally. you also could be spawned in blind or deaf, need glasses, have a physical deformity such as no limbs etc..., or more prone to sickness due to genetics... then how bout you need to stay logged in to sleep for 4-8 hours a day, and you have to make poops 1-2 times daily. if you're a female then you menstrate once a month which could attract zombies.... dude, it's a game. yes, its a simulation, but it's a game first (although, I do admire your enthusiasm).
  24. the validity of the bandit playstyle has absolutely nothing to do with being an asshole. they're two entirety different entities. now (and here's the point again, so try harder to understand it this time), if you're going to post on AN OPEN FORUM that you're an asshole, then expect TO BE CALLED AN ASSHOLE. this shouldn't be a surprise. I mean, if the op wanted a round of bandit handjobs, he could have posted this in the bandit campfire sub forums (and I bet a fair number of bandits would call him an ass as well, which brings me to this point)... you also assume that everyone who has called out the op is a carebear and therefore stereotyping heroes as goodie two-shoe bronies, and that bandits are void of any and all moral and ethical conduct. the lines are much more grayer than that in dayz. I would believe you would understand this better than most...
  25. well I mean shit is shit, alot or a little doesnt mean much when your stepping in it... write that one down too...