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Posts posted by Prevail

  1. First time playing, within about 30 minutes I see an AFK bandit, which I couldn't kill, sadly...I took all of his ammo though..bitch.


    I then, about 3 minutes after meeting him, meet a friendly player and two of his friends. The last thing I hear about a minute after meeting him is, "oh another hacker", and then I die.

    • Like 1

  2. yea, that post was started by a member back in may, and its not even a sticky. the main file site doesnt tell you you have to make folders and stuff, so that add more to the confusion if its still neccessary. so pipe down, Tweakie.

    Prevail, this is the best video i found that actually made sense without some dweeb running his mouth 75 miles an hour making no sense:

    Thanks. We should get together and play ingame. :P
