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About Prevail

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Prevail

    M4 ammunition

    Instead of worrying so much about the difference between a "clip" and a "mag", maybe you should concentrate more on your own grammar. Sorry, pet peeve.
  2. Prevail

    Can't tear my bandana?

    & it does work.
  3. Prevail

    Can't tear my bandana?

    If you're calling this dumb... http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Bandana Read the wiki.
  4. Trying to tear my bandana into rags but all I get is "Inspect" it's in my inventory...
  5. I realize this probably isn't the forum for this, but the BP forum is dead. When the "script not found" dialog box comes up, and i click continue, I get this screen: I managed to get into one server, but I didn't spawn where I'd like to, so I died to a zombie, reconnected and kept getting this.
  6. Not anymore. Virgins.
  7. Shows my ping is low on the server list on Dayz Commander :\
  8. Any server I join, I get in for about two minutes, and I get this:
  9. Prevail


  10. Prevail


    Soo, per se one happened to be global banned... What one would have to do to get a new key? Would he/she have to make a whole new Steam account, and rebuy combined ops?
  11. Prevail

    What map is this?

    It was Panthera, I think. Downloading now.
  12. What's the map with all the grassy mountains area?
  13. Prevail

    Help? Game broken?

    TheLaughingMan Private Hive 1, and it works now, server restarted.
  14. Prevail

    Help? Game broken?

    Nobody else is having problems?
  15. So, I joined a server, and all I can see is my character in 3rd person, can't move, can't do anything but look at my character. And as I was posting this, I had just got teleported somewhere else? O.o http://gyazo.com/f78b109331d81b7efd86dd914dab4966