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korpisoturi (DayZ)

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Everything posted by korpisoturi (DayZ)

  1. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    Suicide bombing

    Also, dead man switch when in holdout. Just got to keep yourself in range ;)
  2. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    I'm an awful bandit

    So fully geared and bored and deside head back to coast to fuck with some freshspawns. I had some handcuffing and forcefeeding experiments in mind but man, this didn't go as I planned (again). Results: I share my rice,bandages,helmet,other random headwear and items with people I meet and defend the unarmed from random shotgun wielding lunatics. Goddamit
  3. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    "I killed them...I killed them all."

    I hope this story and grammar is made sarcasm in mind
  4. korpisoturi (DayZ)


  5. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    Body and loot vanishing after death?

    Gear stays 10 minutes. Sounds like a bug.
  6. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    The wiggles have been defeated!

  7. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    High data traffic while playing DayZ

    Suck my free and unlimited internet you development countries
  8. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    Reaction On Dying

  9. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    Bullets Going Through People

    nope, haven't happened to me. But I don't go for "Boom-Headshots",2-3 shots(douple-tap) in the chest is a killer.
  10. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    Chernarussian Movement of the Red Star Military Beret

    Seen lots of them, but not ones in good condition. I want my black baret!
  11. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    How Many People Were Killed By You?

    Dunno, about 10 maybe. Maybe more,sometimes I retreat shooting so I won't stay to watch if I hit.
  12. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    The svetloyarsk community

    umm...nice idea but more info would be nice: How much spending time needed? Regular/Hardcore? It's going to be long time until we get basebuilding i think. Also, I'm so awesome zombie exterminator that you wont find a zombie in svetloyarsk in any server on stable branch, regular or hardcore until new patch :P Edit. 23yo,~10kills, offering unlimited ammo until painting glitch is fixed
  13. korpisoturi (DayZ)


    And are immortal. I whacked one in the head with a fireaxe(looooong and many times) and it just stared in to my eyes
  14. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    Damage Absorbed By Equip

    I think tactical shirt absorbs little damage. Got shot in the chest with mosin, survieved. Vest was pristine but shirt was ruined. Got enough blood to shoot back, run for cover+bandage and leave the place. ( 3 not so friendly guys in NEAF ) EDIT. But jeah I think he missed all if none of your equipment isn't damaged. I think press vest is only one which gets some protection from bullets.
  15. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    Is The Ship Still A Glitchy Death Trap?

    Pressvest spawns there and I have found plenty of other vests as well as weapons,ammo(not 5.56) and attachments. I died once to glitch there. I was exploring the cabins when suddendly character kept moving forward after I let go of the W and simply walked through the wall and fell to my death. This haven't happened to me since and I always go there when I spawn anywhere on east coast. Remember to watch out players! Lots of hoppers and other players there. ;)
  16. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    Burlap Mask

    The god of burlap sacks grants me vision even without holes
  17. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    Blood Test Kits In Med Bags.

    Or just make them spawn a lot more in hospitals. I mean come on, hospital without means to test bloodtype? They should have piles of test kits in case of emergency.
  18. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    Cannot Use An Item (E.g. Drink/eat) If It Is "ruined"

    Right now it seems that items survieve if they are in pants, at least last guys I shot only good condition stuff was there
  19. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    It Happened Again :(

    Have you tried playing other servers? Maybe server doesn't connect properly to hive?
  20. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    Extremely Non-Fun Game. But Fun, Strangely.

    Remember that military areas are KILL ON SIGHT
  21. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    Clothes That Say: I'm The Good Guy.

    So your saying i'm bandit just because I love the feeling of sack on my face? ...eh?
  22. korpisoturi (DayZ)


    2 bandits, kill other and forcefeed other to eat his buddy :beans:
  23. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    Switching Clothes/vests/backpacks

    That explains why we just shot a guy and friend took his mosin in exchange with shotgun. Shotgun disappeared and 2 mosins appeared.
  24. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    After Latest Patch, My Blood Type Has Constantly Been O+

    I have 0- now and had A+ before that (after last patch) EDIT: I'm not giving up my blood for any of you <_<