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korpisoturi (DayZ)

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Everything posted by korpisoturi (DayZ)

  1. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    Have you ever killed your friend/teamkilled by accident

    Its really hard sometimes to spot who is enemy and who isn't. Now I wear red bandana always when I play with friends so they can identify me more easily.
  2. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    ArmA II towns need more love.

    Yeah new towns and changed towns look amasing, don't have problems with old towns thou. Don't worry there will be new towns added to north to keep "new-er feeling" alive, and who knows? Maybe when they fully-release the game they change old towns a bit too.
  3. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    AK 47 or AK 74[POLL]

  4. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    How can i play on another computer?

    Lost my main character at xmas holiday when tried to play with laptop o_o
  5. Yeah I have killed, about 15 times. Only time I felt bad was when me and my friend backstapped 2 nice Danish guys. And we didn't even need their gear, we just hide their bodies...
  6. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    What type of item respawn system is planned?

    I think global economy idea is bad, very bad. When theres 1000 nvgs spawned, and 1000 players take them. Then those 1000 players get bored and stop playing while their characters still have those nvg's. =No one will ever again have nvg?
  7. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    First kill of new patch.

    Nice work reminding me why I play on hardcore servers
  8. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    Need shopping advice...

    I have been considering Rust too, and propably will buy it too (already own Dayz)
  9. No rewards, people would be more pissed when they die.
  10. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    How many shots does gas pump take

    Yes I think so. After all youtube is full of players getting killed after they axe the pump until it explodes.
  11. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    How many shots does gas pump take

    Also it makes differend sound depending where you hit, don't know if damage changes depending where you hit. Needs more testing to be done at lonely gas stations across Northern Chernarus! :P
  12. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    annoying texture bug in cherno

    So this is about ground textures? Dean stop the press, we have found gamebreaking bug here that needs to be fixed ASAP. ...What settings you have for ground/terrain?
  13. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    Does blood type change with new characters?

    0+ 0+ 0+ A+ 0- I want to be the the chosen of AB+ so I can suck people dry
  14. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    so i had a blast so far but this is killing my fun

    Desync, you have bad internet. This kind of stuff happened to me too when local operator was repairing lines and caused 3 weeks of losing connection and massive desync. Friends said they were standing right in front of me but I didn't see anyone.
  15. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    Mosin or M4?

    Depends on your playstyle. If you like to sit on hill and shoot far away, take mosin. If you most likely bumb into players Closequarters, choose m4. Personally m4 everyday of the week. After you find agoc,bipod, MP parts you shoot as far as with mosin. Also autofire does things to its victims mind even if it doesn't hit them, thats why I go guns blazing and suppress enemy. Never seen enemy who shoots me back when I am autofiring at his hiding place ;)
  16. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    Night vision, GPS.

    Well played sir
  17. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    Stories, what do you do when fully kitted out?

    Run along the coast. Scare freshspawns and surprice them by forcefeeding rice and water. Shoot armed players.
  18. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    Veresnik Suprise - we meet 2 upstanding gentlemen

    Totally agreed. without 3PP view these guys would have lost to the defender.
  19. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    Burlap Sack Massacre

    my Burlap brother<3
  20. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    Veresnik Suprise - we meet 2 upstanding gentlemen

    you guys are assholes. Only thing worse you could have done is ghost on him.
  21. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    Player markers on Maps?

    In mod it was fun to check map for obvious trap markings :D
  22. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    UK based servers generally more enjoyable?

    I play UK/Finnish servers and really don't see difference have been pleasantly surpriced in both. Just today handed supplies in solzhny factory at Niskalaukaus server :beans:
  23. korpisoturi (DayZ)

    When did another wipe happen!?

    Try differend server. I too have one hardcore server listed on where I spawn with regular character. But it doesn't work on other servers.