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Everything posted by selgald

  1. I searched it and dont find anything. So is Fraps in DayZ/Arma2 allowed or not?
  2. selgald

    Hive Down?

    Ok, now i know why i lost all my equipment and spawnd at the beach, the servers are .... beans for tags
  3. iam angry this happend to me now :(
  4. selgald

    mountain dew

    youre doomed
  5. Short: yes Long: Dont look at my DMR its MINE
  6. Dont feed the troll, or shoot him in the face with the ammo he needs.
  7. selgald

    DayZ at GamesCom

    I live in cologne, u guys really should go eat at "Lommerzheim" Siegesstraße 18 (other side from the trainstation Köln Messe/Deutz.) Perfect for you as tourists ^^
  8. selgald


    The easyiest way would be to combine dayz with ace. So all the dayz snipers dont hit anymore without the right gear and a spotter. And its so damn realistic, just awesom ^^
  9. Aslong the hackingproblem is not fixed. Shoot everything that moves.
  10. This is our serverconfig. I have the problem when i set "friendlyTag":true, the weaponstracers are also activated, but we dont want that. Ideas? { "difficulty":"veteran", "hostname":"xxx", "motd":[ "Server provided for DayZ community!", "DAYZ team are hugely appreciative of the hoster of this server!", "DayZ is in alpha and as such bugs and frequent server restarts may occur!" ], "motdInterval":5, "passwordAdmin":"xxx", "passwordRcon":"xxx", "disableVoN":false, "BEPingLimit":150, "thirdPerson":true, "crossHair":false, "friendlyTag":true, "enemyTag":false }
  11. selgald

    Server config problem

    that are the only options i can edit, i dont have ftp access. i have only acces from a webinterface from the serverprovider
  12. Ja deutsch wäre super :) Ich persönlich würde gerne noch ein "Adminrechte" system dabei haben. Unser Server hat mehrer Admins, aber ich möchte nicht das z.b alle davon bannen können aufgrund der stregenen regeln bei dayz ^^ Ist sowas machbar? // For the others: german would be nice and the other thing i would like to see a system were i can grant different admins differents rights on a server
  13. i like it. is there an easy way to make translations?
  14. selgald

    What should be in the next patch?

    Other: more guns even more guns better inventory more guns did i said that already? stuck at loading screen fix
  15. Hi, some players on our server complained about that they got kicked by BE with script restriction for example #125 So i looked into the scripts.txt from our server. Their are only 56 lines, so it is a bug when a player get kicked with a number above 56?
  16. From the BI Forum: $able wrote this (Battle Eye dev) Hey everyone, we're aware of the global banning issue and are investigating since yesterday. Appropriate action will be taken if a false-positive scenario is found. If that is indeed the case I'm terribly sorry for it and will take measures to prevent this from happening in the future. I will write again once more is known. On another note, it is not possible for a hacker to get an innocent player globally banned. I have read this many times now, but I want everyone to know that this is not possible. The BE global ban system is protected against that.
  17. It means they give a statement where we who have the problem cant see it.
  18. So we got an EA security specialist here, and he PROOVED that he told us the truht. So stfu with your "you all are ulgy cheaters" whines. There are BIG problems with BE, not all players are having the problems, but WE HAVE THEM. We want a god damn statement from BE but they dont say a word. @dmex: i would suggest after the gamescom, the EA Truck with alle the audio equipemnt drives to the BE Company (about 2 hours from cologne), and use the whole equipment in front of them and ask them for a f***ing statement, may their here that.
  19. I looked into the dayz commander, i played on a server with 1.62.95417 left it and tyred to join a server with the same version, but there i cant join because this was the frist time the global ban message showed up.
  20. Because registering at the BI forums takes damn long time. Fine you call us all lyers, btw iam an asperger autism, we dont lie, we are addictet to the truth, but that is offtopic. I hope you get the same probles that we have, in that time, dont troll here.
  21. Send them rotten beans, atm they deserv it