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About selgald

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. selgald

    Fastest way lose -humanity?

    Stop killing living things.
  2. selgald

    FN FAL AN/PVS-4 or M14 Aim

    FAL has big stylebonus, its sounds like a cannon
  3. selgald


    Dont forget to report him here on the forums, but you know even logfiles are not enough for the stuff ^^ yeah yeah we server admins really "like" the cheater freandly admin rules ^^
  4. selgald


    look into the createvehicle look, if there is also a line with the same timeline that tells you that a helicopter is crashed, then he crashed a helicopter. If not, he runs a script and "hide" it from the logs = ban him.
  5. selgald

    Plants wrong signature file

    Why not remove the tress? more FPS dude, oh and remove the buildings even more FPSSSSS.
  6. selgald

    Plants wrong signature file

    Can someone ban the troll?
  7. We found a helicopter, fly with it, and crashed ^^ But when we crashed our server also crashed. Knowen bug?
  8. With the big amount of hacking at this time, loot it and shoot everything that moves.
  9. selgald

    How did your most recent character die?

    1. teleported in the air by a hacker 2. hacker teleported in front of me and headshot 3. teleported in the air by a hacker 4. the whole server just died by a hacker 5. a m107 bullet in my eye
  10. selgald

    Why i am a bandit..

    Cuz we have nothing to do when we have our shiny AS50/M107
  11. Ok, did we managed already that the OP commitet suizide? Maybe with one shoot of the Makraov?
  12. selgald

    Do You Play DayZ in the Nude?

    Iam an asperger autist, i dont the "feeling" of clothings, so iam the most time naked when iam at home. The more important question in this topic is, how many womens play naked xD (not the ugly ones)
  13. Surviving rule #1 When someone says "friendly" shoot him in his balls. He is not friendly.