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Everything posted by thesodesa

  1. thesodesa

    Random starting gear...

    Random loot would be fine, except weapons of any kind should not be included in the respawn loot pool.
  2. No, just no. The reason it was scrapped on official servers in the first place was because players would camp spawn points to get easy kills and more ammo for their pistol.
  3. I'm going to say this right now, but unless you buy the parts separately and build the computer yourself, or get a friend to do it for you for free, there is no way you are going to get the price anywhere near that low. Building a computer yourself is generally cheaper than buying one pre-made, because you can buy the different parts from different vendors to get the lowest prices. AMD processors are generally cheaper, same goes with AMD graphics cards. You are going to have to choose a processor you want first (especially important for DayZ, since it uses the processor extensively) and then choose a motherboard and memory based on that, since different motherboard models take different processors and since 32 bit processors and operating systems can only utilize 4GB of memory tops, so you might want to make sure that the processor is 64bit. Graphics cards and memory are usually pretty interchangeable between motherboards. The slots that you put them into are all pretty much the same on different motherboards. Once youy have all the other parts, check how much power they are going to consume and then get a power supply big enough to support your power needs. Personally I run a 550 Watt Super Flower power supply. Choose a big enough case, since some graphics cards tend to be rather humongous in size. The case sizes are standardised, so just pick a case based on what size your motherboard is (mini ITX, MicroATX or ATX from smallest to largest, ATX is most popular because of it's size). The naming convention is the same on computer cases as it is with motherboards as far as I know. As for case and processor cooling, just go with air. If one of the fans breaks it's not going to leak water all over your components and mess up the entire machine like water cooling would. This was just some basic info on building a computer.
  4. thesodesa

    Items you refuse to pick up?

    I generally ignore firearms (especially now, when there's nothing to hunt except other players) and silly, unpractical items like gas masks and any other heagear, that would impair your vision in real life (I'm hoping that these impairments will be added to the game later, once the more urgent issues are dealt with).
  5. thesodesa

    Crafting, the future and what *you* want to see

    Personally I'd like to see complex and authentic 'minigames' used in, say, hooking up the electrical systems for your base or fixing a car engine. Another cool thing would be programmable security systems. Basically I want people with real life expertise to become important. There could be manuals put into the game for those that dont know about fixing these sorts of things. That would give people (me ;) ) a chance to learn something practical from the game. I guess what I'm hoping for is an actual survival sim that forces you to learn and adapt, instead of some weird game/simulator chimera. Of course some things need to be simplified, but it would be cool if you could actually learn something from the game.
  6. The price of the game is fine as it is. There's not really a whole lot to do, since the only features that are in place are pretty much looting and shooting. And of course walking, lots of walking...
  7. thesodesa

    Loot grinding

    Not really. Most people have been friendly. I guess it comes with being unarmed. However, here's a previous post I made on another thread, detailing my opinion of the current state of the game: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154460-so-kos-official-sa-kos-discussion-topic/?p=1894455 This is why I'm not playing the game too much at the moment. I'm still waiting for more things to do, basically.
  8. thesodesa

    Loot grinding

    Yes, loot grinding is tedious, which is why I'm not playing the game extensively at the moment. I usually end up getting what I need (this doesn't include firearms), and running around helping newspawns/ leaving things like medkits and can openers around close to the coastline, so they can be easily collected.
  9. thesodesa

    Dynamic map objects (a question to dev team)

    This would only be possible if there were a very limited amount of movable objects on the map. Otherwise it would kill performance.
  10. thesodesa


    If vehicles are to be used in transporting large vehicle parts such as engines and rotor assemblies anyway, I don't see why this would be an issue. Beats carrying whole tires in your backpack in any case.
  11. thesodesa

    quickest question ever

    Chocolate salty balls?
  12. Hearing noises/voices just because you killed someone or because it's dark makes no sense. Hallucinations would be cool but I don't want them to be randomized. They should always be he result of something that you did to yourself, like ingesting hallucinogenic substances or foods.
  13. thesodesa

    [SA] Usable Indoor Fireplaces

    I don't think unbreakable items should exist in the game, because such things don't exist in reality. Unbreakable items would have huge undesirable implications on gameplay as well, such as the reduced need to either scavenge for or craft new items. The fact that a fire striker (fire steel) is a friction based fire starter means that it would inevitably experience some amount of wear over time, especially if struck against stone. EDIT: Craftable matches?
  14. thesodesa

    payed dlc format

    If the devs were honest and said flat out that: "Hey, we're running out of funds. Would you be willing to pay for this new map that we made?", I might be willing to put some money into purchasing a new map (Assuming I was bored of Chernarus). I only take issue with companies that charge extra when they don't really need to. A role of a business is to provide their employees with sufficient income to support themselves and their possible families, and to produce services/goods for people/other companies. If a company doesn't need extra money to perform these tasks they shouldn't, in my opinion, be coming up with devious strategies to strip their possibly poor customers of their last pennies. A bit of honesty never hurts(I'm looking at you EA/Sim City).
  15. thesodesa

    Trpping over while sprinting

    If something like this was to be implemented it shouldn't be chance based. Falling over should only occur when certain conditions are met. There should always be something to trip over if a stumble occurs, like a tree root or a rock for instance, and your character would have to be running for them to be distracted enough to not watch their step. Whether falling over because of an object like a tree root causes permanent injury could however be chance based. Just falling over doesn't always cause an injury. However, running on slippery or uneven surfaces almost never fails to trip me over if I'm running and not watching where I'm placing my feet. Therefore I think it would be justified to always trip players over when the pre-defined conditions are met. It's not a bad idea, because it would introduce a new way for players to injure themselves and make the environment even more dangerous and realistic.
  16. thesodesa

    DAYZ:SA Zombies becoming real threat - ideas

    This. Zombies were first depicted in African/Haitian voodoo folklore as people who were raised from the dead. Turns out that the people performing voodoo rites had a slightly different definition of death than we do. Basically anyone who went into a comatose state of some sort during these rites and awakened later in a psychotic state (because of the drugs introduced into their bloodstream) were classified as a zombie They were believed in some cultures to be possessed by the spirits of the dead. Therefore, historically zombies have existed, but they were never actually reanimated corpses.
  17. thesodesa

    DAYZ:SA Zombies becoming real threat - ideas

    Why not just give this ability to all of the zombies infected? To balance this out make the zombies only react to you if you get very close to them, or when you are running when they spot you. Essentially the lore would be, that the infected are made more aggressive by the virus and therefore react to any sudden movements and loud noises.
  18. thesodesa

    Character dies, becomes NPC Zombie

    The problem is that (I can't believe how many times I've said this already) if you die, you can't become an infected, because, well, you're dead. The infected in the game are not zombies, but living, infected humans. This much has already been established by the devs. When making suggestions in the future, try to think if your suggestion would make sense in real life. Most of the people on here (devs included) seem to be pretty hardcore roleplayers, and any magical or supernatural suggestions usually receive a lot of flaming (as they should). The supernatural just doesn't belong in this game. Again, suggestions should be based on reality, and make sense in real life. For example, if you don't know what viruses are, you should read up on real-life viruses before you make a post about how the virus in the game should work. This saves everyone's time.
  19. There was a thread that I made concerning belts and holsters: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/128493-standalone-a-clothing-slot-for-belts-different-kinds-of-holsters-and-quivers/ Feel free to check it out.
  20. http://www.joystiq.com/2013/03/22/dean-hall-dayz-standalone-alpha-wont-launch-until-at-least-jun/ The link should speak for itself. Saw it on reddit and decided to post it here.
  21. My primary school teacher actually performed that particular experiment at her university in Finland with her friends at the time, and I initially found out about the experiment when she told us about it in class years and years ago. I'm not saying she was the first to perform it, just that she had heard about it and wanted to test it for herself. I forgot what conclusions they drew out of the results, which is why I made the erraneous assumption, that it was the leg size that affected the curvature. Then again if one's right leg is longer than their left, they are out of physical necessity more likely to steer in one direction, rather than the other (left in this case). At least this seems to be the case hypothetically.
  22. Are you 100% sure nothing will change? From you comment, because you used the word 'hunt', I'm deducing that you are the type of player that currently hunts players partly because it's fun. I'm not one of those players, and there are others like me, who are mainly interested in learning about practical disease prevention and society management in the final product. I'm still advocating the idea, that the amount of guns should be reduced to the point, where not everybody has access to one. Not because I think it will reduce PvP, I just don't find it very authentic, that you would large amounts of guns in a country that doesn't have a large scale military in place to defend itself, and whose economy isn't entirely based on agriculture and hunting, not to mention the fact that eventually the ammunition for the 'real guns' would completely run out in a DayZ like scenario. This is why I'm more interested in playing around with makeshift weaponry than factory-made, standardised weapons. I'm sure there will be plenty of PvP servers where the players will not focus on the type of role playing that I'm interested in, but then again you won't find me on those servers.
  23. Fair enough, glad to be proven wrong :). Then it's most likely due to the people just taking steps of different lengths for the same reasons why keeping a juggling pattern completely symmetric is pretty much impossible. The brain is just not very good at fine motor coordination and the replication of exact movements. In any case this is something I hadn't thought of before, and I think it would be one of those things that would make the game harder for all the right reasons.
  24. The main reason people aren't focusing on survival is because the survival mechanisms haven't been put into place yet, and because guns and ammunition are very readily available. The mod in it's current state is just another FPS, which is why I'm waiting for the standalone to come out so I can throw the non-existent contents of my bank account at it.