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Everything posted by kilrbe3
Some buildings they stop outside now, some they still go through. Noticed this early this AM. They still hit you through the 2 door Factory with the staircase to the 2nd floor with the room off to the other side, and the really odd buildings, that is complex for them. The simple buildings, they now wait outside it seems. Probably explains why it took me ages to find a gun last night, all i found was mag after mag in all of elecktro at 3am. But I loved the FPS, 88-100fps stable all while playing 1.7.1. With i5 2500k 4.2Ghz / 570 Edit: i wouldn't call it Monkey run animation, its more of HULK SMASH! Its funny as shit lol I'm all for more Mo-Cap. Ty BiS for the studio!
Solid build so far, no glitches/ eye popping bugs so far, besides one. Set up a tent , my player was sucked into the tent, and I bleed out :( W/M4 CCO and my brand new bike. Shouldn't have picked that damm tent up. Besides that, didn't notice else.
Thank you kind sir
I'm never going to another deerstand again.
kilrbe3 replied to everyone's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I go out of my way to loot Deerstand's. Chance of Military loot? Yes plz! Gotten a: -MP5 with 2 Mags -M4a1 with 2 Mags -AK74u Kobra with 1 Mag -Many many 5.56 Mags / AKM Deerstands are great loot, are you high? Always visit them. Just be careful and press CROUCH / PRONE / FORWARD right away when you reach top, to not fall to your death. Evil lurks in them deerstands! -
That was very impressive, and a very chill guy and giving DayZ props! Woooooot
No worries, just a curious mind wondering! you a ninja rocket tonight arent you, fast reply lol
This update still on track for this Week/end?
Yes you need BAF for Ghille Suit and British Camo Skin High-Res. Both are required for HD Textures.
Was doing my daily check of BETA patches, installed the new one, decided to try FXAA finally after i been forgetting about it. Enabled it, via the readme instructions Went on to two (2) servers and got kicked via BattleEye Script Restriction #16 Went to Disable it, Went back in, was fine, no kicks. Any reason why Battleye does not agree with FXAA yet? Thanks :P edit: seems BE corrected itself, FXAA on, and playing just fine.
No i didn't, Now I am just getting constant "loading" screen on any connect. With FXAA disabled. I'll re-enable FXAA and try that too. edit: seems BE corrected itself, FXAA on, and playing just fine.
Kronzky's SP "hack" removed (his words)
kilrbe3 replied to rocket's topic in Mod Announcements & Info
Kronzky Reply; http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/v0yqr/rocket_demands_takedown_of_kronzkys_dayz_sp/c50tppu -
Can we stop the CoD/BF3 name calling?
kilrbe3 replied to shadowvfx's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
To be fair, a ton are coming from COD/BF/Halo etc etc. The ones who knew about ARMA before DayZ, well they are the vets. All the new players are new to the series, and bought ARMA due to a Video (Rooster Teeth just got one out, so huge influx of people coming in), the fact the mod shot up in a month from 10 to 250+ servers. The ones that had ARMA, and played it, are the vets. Fact that ARMA is top on STEAM = all these new players. I mean come on, the new players are from COD/BF etc etc. So the name fits them. Most leave in a day or so anyway when they realize that its too hard. So I'm all for calling them that. Thanks for buying ARMA and supporting BiS. But sorry this was too real for you and you gave up after a hr or day. Forum post show its already happening... Facts are facts. Get over it. -
Time: 3:32pm EST Where: US 39 NY BETA server Hackers name: Didn't get a name. Details: There were Mutiple Apaches in the air, a Osprey, and a anti-tank something in Elekctro. There was also M203 Spam onto the Supermarket, and many Silenced weapons were going off at same time. When I found one hacker, I put two complete mags of Mak into his back and head, and he did not die, just bleed. He turned around and put 1 silenced bullet in me and killed me. I regret not starting FRAPS. Screenshots: http://steamcommunity.com/id/m3ow131/screenshot/540678343334481753?tab=public http://steamcommunity.com/id/m3ow131/screenshot/540678343334484462?tab=public *****PLEASE SEE***** This is a prefect time to rant one thing: GIVE US FUCKING SIDE CHAT BACK. This was a 7th CAV server, with many many members in there, and I could not inform the admins or talk to anyone thanks to the smart idea to remove Side chat. Maybe there is a way to talk to a admin in-game, but I don't know it. It just gives hackers that little extra time to keep causing mayhem, thanks to people can't warn/talk about it in chat. Fucking stupid idea. EDIT: Im pretty sure he had a Mk17 with Thermals, Silenced. Checked loot sheet, don't see it in DayZ. But can't be 100% on the weapon, sorry.
Much as I love RT and Jack and Gus and Gavin and the rest of the crew.. fuck... incoming cod / bf / halo kids from consoles. Oh well, they will play a hr and quit and leave. Just like every other realistic game they try.
20 words or less: Spawning without a weapon
kilrbe3 replied to rocket's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
NO Spawn campers will now have a field day. No gun? Means staying at coast longer to FIND a gun before going North.. Therefore = more campers, and tons more people in towns than there already are. Sorry but NO. This mod already has so many frustrations in it from random crap, having spawn with no gun, be like taking the cake away. -
Great news! Regarding the Vehicles, does this mean the horrible lag/desync the Passengers get will be somewhat fixed? Last night we found a GAZ, and I let my buddy drive. I just closed my eyes. Because everytime i looked desync would show we in a forest, or up in a tree. Yet his screen, we were just driving along fine. Trust the drivers ^_^
Can I have 2 survivor accounts?
kilrbe3 replied to WatchOut (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Yes. Your character is tied to a CD key. New CD key = new Character. -
Does anyone know if heli's are spawning?
kilrbe3 replied to WildGunsTomcat's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
So what I got out of this thread is, its a huge secret if they spawn or NOT. Its not on a timer, they are placed MANUALLY! Manually for each server though? I could understand the timer and clans camp, but um, you do know you can throw random timer like 8hrs-3day spawn... To prevent a camp fest. Also having it random spawns as they are now (as I think one can spawn at Rog) But ya, got 0 straight answer here, and a arguement between a Admin and a troll, and OP left to rot with a "they spawn manually, shut the f up and get over it" from griff... Best answer evar. Really, so much hate on these forums, for no reason, and from a Admin... -
ya ran into one last night, was empty :( soo many zombies, killed emm, too far out and they respawned. Moved closer, just too clear all the respawns again, too find no loot. Nice waste of a mag or so of AK.
Wait, Female skins too sexist? Rofl, you do know like 80% of all WoW Toons are female for a reason.. and ur pic, made it sexist by the way this was one stupid troll. move along peeps
As I haven't seen them yet, possibly its a BAF camo? But couldn't say, haven't tested. Curious too.