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Everything posted by Crazy9601

  1. when i try and load any server on DayZ it gets stuck on loading anyone help?
  2. Crazy9601

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    yeah yeah on that is there any sort of realise date for the standalone?
  3. Crazy9601

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    Something else if anyone knows the answer is there anything that needs to be done to get this or will the new map just be running on certain servers?
  4. Crazy9601

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    Thanks for the help mate i was wondering for quite a while about this just decided to finally find out about it :)
  5. Crazy9601

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    Thanks For the help so this a non official map?
  6. Crazy9601

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    Hey guys I've been hearing rumours of a new map to be released in DayZ. Can anyone either confirm or deny this? or just add what you've heard?
  7. Crazy9601

    US 715 Admin abuse.

    I honestly dont get why this argument is still going?
  8. Crazy9601

    US 715 Admin abuse.

    The only person you dropped out of our group (Claws group) and was me when you engaged the group in the field
  9. Crazy9601

    US 715 Admin abuse.

    There were two groups our group (Claws group) of 4! you engaged in the field you actually killed me you fucker i was the camo guy The second group was the one with the car
  10. Crazy9601

    US 715 Admin abuse.

    Hey man I was in the group of people in the car. Heads up check your murders you didnt kill the guy by the car my mate survived Sounds like those server restarts saved our lives