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About BalborValis

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  1. More Russian weapons, less non Russia Russian weapons, such as Saiga shot guns and rifles, Bekas and Toz shotguns, verious AK variants including the AK100 series and the new Ak12, more russian pistols like the MP-446 and the OTs-27 "Berdysh". Currently the game has too many western guns, and there is no way enought weapons to represent civilian owned Russian fire arms. Weapon slots for shoulder (main weapon), tool belt (melee) and holster (pistol). Along with the ability to have free hands, effectifly allowing for a main weapon to be equipped over the shoulder while also holding one in your arms. Better item sorting which take into account weight and slots. Ammo able to be kept separate from clips/magazine. This way clips that are empied are left in there belt slot and can be refilled
  2. BalborValis

    DayZ Stand alone ideas / suggestions

    I'd like to see most of the weapons in game replaced with russian counter parts, too many western military and civilian weapons about, when there are plenty of russian guns that would do. Plenty of examples here http://world.guns.ru/index-e.html. Non Russian weapons should only be found at military helicopter crash sites and forign military expedition camps (both of which should be random) Also weapons used by Russia's closest neighbours would show up. As the AK 100 series caters for the Russian 5.45 and 7.62 and NATO 5.56 rounds ammo there would still be a good supplie of different types of ammo. There are a lot of fire arms in the hands of russian civilians which allows for citizens to own smoothbore weapons, and after 3 years with out trouble assault rifles etc so finding basic russian weapons should be easy. No need for the Winchester 1866s or Lee Enfilds turning up in barns when you can easily find russian civilian rifles and shotguns.
  3. BalborValis

    "Found at home" weapons suggestion

    I'd like to a dedicated melee weapon slot, and a wide range of melee weapons including pick axe, shovels, crowbars, tire iron, monkey wrench, replica and battle ready swords , hatchets, fire axes, ice axes, hammers, sledge hammers, baseball bats, cricket bats, ice hockey sticks, various knives, and even screwdrivers. Using melee weapons to deal with zombies would be very commen in a world over run by zombies, as ammunition would be in short supplie and firing a gun would risk attacking more zombies.
  4. Turn off Frendly Fire for the next patch, if they can't kill people they will get bored.
  5. what is needed is a system which makes people 100% safe from hackers teleporting to there location and shooting them. People who play bandits are the only people who use hacks. Servers should be allowed to set a max murder level to prevent people who have a very high murder rate from logging in.
  6. BalborValis

    Mature UK Group looking for new recruits

    Would of got on last night but my flatmate was DLing crap and my ping kept switching between 150-1000 :( he's moving out tomorrow so I should be on more next week
  7. BalborValis

    Any point in not being murderer?

    Killing is the least efficient way of playing the only think you know for sure they have is the weapons you see them carry and the cloths they wear. Groups of 4-5 players, vs 1 Bandit, the Survivor group will always win, even if you kill them all, they still have each other to help themselves get back to decent gear, but you might be left with 3-4 bodies none of with have anything of use for you. You contridict your own argument by first claiming "Killing everyone is the most efficient way of playing", but then by saying, "killing players is the only challenging thing in this game". If you want a real challenge then play a bandit hunter, that would require you to observe, track and kill bandits without commiting murder. Having all the best gear in the game still won't protect you from someone headshotting you with a Revolver when you log on because you was really unlucky.
  8. BalborValis

    Any point in not being murderer?

    Most of the time bandits will kill people who have almost nothing of value to them, worse weapons, no ammo they can use, no food etc. Anyone worth killing will have better gear than you, and may even have back up, even if you kill one you'll get taken down by them. Result if your starting again with nothing and your victim is starting again with friends helping them get there gear back, or failing that getting new gear. Playing a bandit, even as a group make no real logical sence if the soul objective is to survive. Everything respawns, and you can even jump servers to find even more more, there is no real reason to fight over it. The only resources you really need are food and water and for that you just need 1/2 water bottles, a hatchet, knife and matches. Therefor the pvp aspect is purly done for the excitement of shooting another player, which is why people do it just to greaf other gamers. While not all bandits cheat, you can be sure 99.9% of cheater are bandits. This is why people who want to play as survivors want non pvp servers, it's not that we hate pvp. I'd like to see survivor based servers where you cannot log on with gear from other servers (ie it tracks players separate from other servers) so if you want to come on as bandit, or team of bandits, you have to start afresh. And murders, once killed should be subject to a respawn vote by other non murdering player on the server, with a no vote blocking you from the server for 24hours.
  9. BalborValis

    Unofficial servers 'hack proof'

    I mean if they cannot get onto the server (because they don't have the password) can they still hack it?
  10. BalborValis

    Mature UK Group looking for new recruits

    Quick question, does food still replenish health?
  11. BalborValis

    Mature UK Group looking for new recruits

    I've had an idea, after heading up to the NWAS I could help how much ammo we must of gone trough dealing with aggro from the military zombies and I was thinking someone armed with a hatchet and a pistol would be more efficient at dealing with zombies.
  12. Why not just allow hatchets to be used as a weapon direct from the tool belt, if you can sling the primary weapon over your shoulder or holster a pistol when not using it then this is not unrealistic. And it would not make killing zombies with the hatchet any easier than someone only armed with a hatchet. Currently for fighting zombies, a hatchet and a pistol if a far more effective set up than someone with a pistol and assault rifle, mainly because the assault rifle (or shot gun) would make too much noise. In a survivor group, having 1-2 dedicated Hatchet armed members would be very effective for taking out large groups of aggroed zombies once you get inside without attracting more zombies and workout waisting lots of ammo.
  13. BalborValis

    Slow Zombies

    I'd prefer slightly shower zombies, maybe 80-90% slower than full run speed for normal zombies, but make them headshot kill only. Weapons aren't that easy to come by at the start although you can get by with a hatchet for a while. Also zombies should be totally silent unless they are aggroed
  14. BalborValis

    Unofficial servers 'hack proof'

    Are password protected servers better protected from hackers?
  15. BalborValis

    Any point in not being murderer?

    Generally I would of thought relying on being a bandit is not an efficient way to survive. New players spawn with nothing worth taking, and once you have a water bottle, a hatchet and martches you don't really have to worry about food or water. So killing people really comes down to the excitement of just wanting to get kills. But if you want to survive, explore etc, then being a murderer might not be idea, just take a stray bullet to the head, or your target having back up, or even a like minded person murderering you and you have to start all over again. And as a murderer it might be a bit harder to convince someone to help you out later one. However being a team player with a trusted group and even dying might not be all that bad, as your companions could drive by, pick you up and help you get fitted up again.