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Everything posted by zombeezy

  1. When you log out you lose hunger, after I believe two hours it drops to a blinking red emergency state. This is all well and good however the game doesn't recognize your local time. This leads to the problem of logging out of a server on the west coast where it is 3PM and joining an east coast server where it is 6 PM. Even though you've only been out of the game for 2 minutes it thinks you've been gone for 3 hours. This makes it even harder than it already is to join up with your friends or to find a good server. Thoughts?
  2. I installed dayz following this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ib73cBf_-Ys I followed it 100% step by step and am using the arma launcher shown in the video. The game launches fine and on the right hand side of the screen it shows that I have @dayz running. I go to multiplayer and the "network games on internet" page appears. I apply a filter "dayz" and select a server for example Virginia 08. I hit join and it says "wait for host" and then the "multiplayer setup" page appears and shows the names of all the players in game, their ping, the usual stuff. It will retrieve the mission files and the a "retrieving data" load bar appears and gets almost to the end and stops. After some time "waiting for host" quickly flashes on the screen and I'm brought back to the network games on internet page. Any help or advice on this issue would be appreciated, thanks in advance.