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Everything posted by RegulatorNobody

  1. RegulatorNobody

    Now Kiss!

    Idk, I think they should add kissing in the game.
  2. RegulatorNobody

    Van ready for the taking

    Unless the van has free candy in it, I won't take it.
  3. RegulatorNobody


    Congratz, you've received the hero's skin.
  4. RegulatorNobody

    Your favorite city

    I love Green Mountain
  5. RegulatorNobody

    Pepsi/M Dew

    It needs to fill those empty whiskey bottles.
  6. RegulatorNobody

    Trust nobody! Not even on a non - pvp server!

    Of course you all can trust me :)
  7. RegulatorNobody

    Found a mountain dew

    I found a Mountain Dew, but then I drank it because I was thirsty. It was so good.
  8. RegulatorNobody

    What is the story of... That Mountain?...

    I always wondered what happened to the castle on Black Mountain
  9. RegulatorNobody

    Green mountain ATV: Where is it?

    -double post, delete please-
  10. RegulatorNobody

    Green mountain ATV: Where is it?

    It was eaten by the mountain.
  11. RegulatorNobody

    You can't trust heroes if you're a hero

    Mountain Dew: Makes the most noble of heroes into bandits.
  12. RegulatorNobody

    Pro Tips! Post Pro Tips Here!

    Getting shot in the face is immediate death.
  13. RegulatorNobody

    Green Mountain

    I practically live there. I made real friends with this ski-masked lumberjack. Whenever we eat dinner, he's always covered in blood, but I assume that's from the animals he hunted for our steaks.
  14. RegulatorNobody

    Joint-Base Haven

    The last time someone decided to make a safe zone in Cherno, it literally blew up in their face. You may want to place your safe zone in an area where there isn't much pvp and sniper fire can be avoided. You also need manpower to supply, build, and protect your fort, as well as plenty of planning. As Wasteland MD suggested, you should look into Fort Haven. Ft. Haven website: http://forthaven.co.uk/forum/m/6534852
  15. You can also salute and when you move, your gun will be at a low ready.
  16. RegulatorNobody

    CZ 550

    When ever I come across a CZ550, it usually has no ammo for it.
  17. RegulatorNobody

    Camo clothing

    Before you put on a camo/ghilli suit, you should drop your pack.
  18. RegulatorNobody

    How do you get a dog now?

    And soon enough, they'll add dragon shouts and guards who have arrows in their knees.
  19. Yes, you'll need a mic. It is very important since voice communication is important.
  20. Drink on top of Green Mountain, and you'll be immortal. A .50 cal to the face won't be able to bring you down.
  21. Maybe instead of a life on gun-slaying, you should try to be a medic.
  22. RegulatorNobody

    Remove Barbedwire

    Toolboxes usually spawn in industrial areas, so look in warehouses and factories
  23. RegulatorNobody

    Fashions and 'faces' of Chernarus

    I prefer to stroll Chemarus without any clothes
  24. RegulatorNobody

    First person . Shaking.

    Clearly, your character is addicted to crack.