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Rabidsmurf (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Rabidsmurf (DayZ)

  1. Rabidsmurf (DayZ)

    Survivor Base (In Development)

    Age - aprox 30's How long have you been playing? -almost a full month What is your reaction when you see other survivors, not knowing if they are friendly or bandits? watch'em, if they dont see me. Share a fire, hot been meat stew, and maybe tell a joke. What is your first instinct when you see another survivor? "where da white women at?" Situation 1: You and a fellow survivor you have just met are searching a barn, you find the only can of food in the building and your fellow survivor is down the red on on his meter. You are at orange and the next local town is a few km's away. What do you do? - he gets beans.simple, i can make sure to get my own food. Situation 2: You are down to two clips of your 1911, your fellow survivor has a revolver and is currently out of ammo. Knowing you can convert the ammo of your 1911 to a revolver .45 clip, do you give that survivor your last mag or do you keep it for yourself? -bullets is lucky, everyone should have some. share.
  2. Name: Rabid Status: On-Duty Rank: undetermined Position: Scavenger,mechanic Enlistment Date: july 20 2012 Retired: No Gender: Male Age: aprox 40 Race: Human Birthplace: Mountains region unknown Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Green Physical Build: Could use a meal and bath(but so does everyone) Education: Top of class nascar "mech-a-nicin'" as says, used to runa family barbeque house(miss dem ribs),Various schools, some college, once read a pile of books in a library during the first months of zombie reign. Service Record & Events of Note:Found and fully refitted, atv, motorcycle, civilian truck v3s(guy headshot me as i finished adjusting the rearview), Rescued many people from various points of map in orderlytime, cooks a mean bistro pastrami ala goat Reprimand - none Promotions: waiting please load.... .... etc etc Awards & Reprimands: Died in the service of non-bandito'ism Psychological Profile: Fiercely loyal, Honorable,and willing to put in the extra mile to make things work. Does Not handle threats well. Psychotic behavior torwards any hostile force imagined or hinted will result in violence. Suggest medication and perhaps a pictures of kittens. Other: Attends he has a sense of humor.
  3. Rabidsmurf (DayZ)

    Introduce yourselves

    Name: Rabid Status: On-Duty Rank: undetermined Position: Scavenger,mechanic Enlistment Date: july 20 2012 Retired: No Gender: Male Age: aprox 40 Race: Human Birthplace: Mountains region unknown Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Green Physical Build: Could use a meal and bath(but so does everyone) Education: Top of class nascar "mech-a-nicin'" as says, used to runa family barbeque house(miss dem ribs),Various schools, some college, once read a pile of books in a library during the first months of zombie reign. Service Record & Events of Note:Found and fully refitted, atv, motorcycle, civilian truck v3s(guy headshot me as i finished adjusting the rearview), Rescued many people from various points of map in orderlytime, cooks a mean bistro pastrami ala goat Reprimand - none Promotions: waiting please load.... .... etc etc Awards & Reprimands: Died in the service of non-bandito'ism, once accidentally shot someone whom appeared threatening, bandaged, morphine, painkillers, and blood transfusioned them while making them a bowl of saucey bbq beans and chilled coke. Apologized."Sorry man, i just just twitched when yer gun went up all at me n stuff." Psychological Profile: Fiercely loyal, Honorable,and willing to put in the extra mile to make things work. Does Not handle threats well. Psychotic behavior torwards any hostile force imagined or hinted will result in violence. Suggest medication and perhaps a pictures of kittens. Other: Attends he has a sense of humor.