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Everything posted by darthsebious@hotmail.co.uk

  1. darthsebious@hotmail.co.uk


    Nevermind, I found it. :P You have to click the internet tab on the server page...
  2. darthsebious@hotmail.co.uk


    How do you check that it isn't defaulted to LAN? I see no option to change it?
  3. darthsebious@hotmail.co.uk


    Yep, same here...
  4. While I get where the OP is coming from I don't think a penalty system should be the way forward. An open world game shouldn't penalise you for doing something you want to do. If people want to go around murdering other players, that's your choice and you have the right to do so. I think the way forward is in giving players more of an incentive to work together(which I think Rocket is wanting to do in regards to later stages of a survivors life time). Atm there isn't any real need to help other players out. If the game world was to become a much harsher place, then I think that may give players more of an incentive to band together. Less food, tougher Z's, weather effects (snow, more work on the temp system etc), Z's possibly in rural areas rather than towns. Something along these lines would all make players think more about hooking up with other players. You see clans thriving due to strength in numbers (and more guns) and due to them having outside game voice comms. Give people a more accessible way to interact with each other and I think more people would help each other out. I did hear something about people setting up trading posts, which would be awesome to see when the whole DC issue is sorted... Just my opinion though. Thoughts?
  5. darthsebious@hotmail.co.uk

    No competent player should die

    Damn, it, wrong thread...
  6. Yup. Have been trying to connect for about half an hour and nothing. I also can't see some of the servers that I usually play on either (in the server list that is).
  7. darthsebious@hotmail.co.uk

    Thank you Rocket and the Dev team...

    I'd like to thank you all for making me realise just how weak and sympathetic I've been. After all of the server jumping a$$ hats and players shooting first, without showing so much as an ounce of effort in teaming up, I've finally come to the conclusion that I wouldn't last two mins if an natural/un-natural disaster was to ever happen. The last straw happen not five mins ago in Zelnogorsk. A guy spawned in just outside the back lot of the market. I had the opportunity to drop him about 3-4 times before he crouch walks right into my cross hairs in the main room of the store. We look at each other for about 10 seconds and then he promptly shoots me in the head. 4 weeks ago, I'd have gone out on a limb to help someone out but alas, this will no longer be the case. I am now a changed man. Again, thank you very much and keep up the great work... :cool:
  8. darthsebious@hotmail.co.uk

    IF this was an actual game...

    I'd purchase this if it was ever developed into a fully fledge game. A monthly subscription would have to be justified by a stream on quality content continuously (new maps, new items/weapons/different seasons?). That being said, to sell this as a fully fledged game would require things to run a lot smoother in regards to connecting to games etc. In regards to superficial items (different sets of sunglasses, etc) I'd rather it all be in game to find, rather than a paid service. A more extensive character customiser would be nice (as a personal preference), although I definitely understand why all character models are near enough the same. As always though Rocket, fantastic job so far. Keep doing what your doing.
  9. darthsebious@hotmail.co.uk

    Actual Cinematic Trailer (Unofficial)

    Awesome stuff mate. A mini series about this guy and his time in Cheranus would be ace. You could tie in individual game mechanics into each episode, showing off what the mod is about to newer players (the fan base is only going to get bigger over the next few months). I'd love to see his story... Although I'm guessing it would take a looooong time to capture all the footage. Either way, great job. What music is that by the way?