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Everything posted by ApriL

  1. ApriL

    Running and Shooting?

    Running and shooting at the same time is quite difficult, especially if you are trying to be accurate.
  2. ApriL

    Arma II Bad CD Key

    I had this problem, when I reinstalled it seemed to fix it's self.
  3. ApriL

    settings help lag fix

    I would simply reinstall CO. If you reinstall and you still have problems PM me and I will try and help you :)
  4. ApriL

    Auto kicking from game

    My friend had this problem yesterday. He downloaded the latest Arma 2 patch and everything was fine. Here is the link to the download: http://www.arma2.com/index.php?option=com_rokdownloads&view=file&task=download&id=803%3Aarma-2-combined-operations--operation-arrowhead--reinforcements-patch-1&Itemid=20〈=en
  5. ApriL

    No connection to Six Updater server

    Try again in 15 minutes. If it still is not working PM me and I will try and help you.
  6. Hopefully he will get a global ban :D
  7. ApriL

    NL13 - Cheater with lots of gear

    Get proof that he has been cheating, like a screenshot or a video of him - then report him for a global ban.
  8. ApriL

    what happend to de1367

    It could just be down for a long period of time.
  9. Get screenshots or video of them hacking and then report them for a global ban.
  10. Immature 12 year olds who shouldn't be admins.
  11. ApriL

    Devil`s castle base

    One does not simply walk into Devil's Castle...
  12. ApriL

    Weapon Suggestion Tomahawk

    How would it fit into the world? Where would you find it? There are other things that could be used as melee weapons that would fit better in the world than a tomahawk.
  13. ApriL

    Banned from LU92

    My advice: find another server to play on. If it's something trivial like that then I wouldn't worry too much as there are plenty of other great servers you can play on! : )
  14. ApriL

    tent ate our items

    Nothing you can do, these things happen. : /
  15. Arma 2 is a polished game, DayZ is an alpha mod? Six months from now there may still be hackers but there wont be as many. It is a slow process but we will see less hackers in the future as DayZ in developed.
  16. ApriL

    DMR or M107

    DMR Use with NVG and ammo is a lot more common. Good rifle in general.
  17. ApriL

    14 Dayz....

    Awesome read! :)
  18. ApriL

    What gun would be good for me?

    Remington 870 (With Flashlight) Good weapon for what you describe. Wiki: http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Remington_870_(Flashlight)
  19. Your clearly looking in the wrong place.... Try looking in, you know - civilization!
  20. ApriL

    Reset my Character

    Reinstall Combined Operations and DayZ, that should fix your problem. Your character has nothing to do with the problem you describe.
  21. ApriL

    What do I need to play exactly?

    Buy this: https://store.bistudio.com/arma2-combined-operations-steam-version That is Combined Operations, it is the only thing you need to buy to play DayZ
  22. ApriL

    How can my little brother play?

    DayZ does not use player profiles in-game. Your profile is saved at the HIVE using your CD key. This means that you can only have one account or "save" per combined operations you own. So I recommend you either stick with both of you using one account or buy another copy. If you are looking to buy, you can get it cheap here: https://store.bistudio.com/arma2-combined-operations-steam-version