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Everything posted by ApriL

  1. ApriL

    Quite Geek - European Hive

    Yeah I changed a few things and updated the post with the changes.
  2. ApriL

    Quite Geek - European Hive

    Pure vanilla. For now, we have just launched the server - because of this we Quite Geek does not have a reputation but we are wanting to build a positive one. Sidechat is on but we are considering removing it to make it more realistic.
  3. ApriL

    Quite Geek - European Hive

    Thanks. We are still changing details. But 24 hours from now crosshairs and thirdperson will be off and the time zone will be UTC.
  4. ApriL

    End of game Scenario

    Make the end game whatever the players want it to be. Give the players the tools and let them decide what they want to do with them. At the present time killing other players is not the only end game thing to do. Players see past the limitations of the mod and have created their own end game. People for example like the Reddit Rescue Force have created their own end game in which they help players in need whether it's medicine or transportation. Others act as mercenaries for people and hunt down designated targets. My point is that you shouldn't look at the game with a narrow mind and only see what is on the paper. If players enjoy playing the game, they will find imaginative ways to keep their experience new and exciting.
  5. ApriL

    [Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

    Profile Name: April Player ID: 23119686 Why do you wish to join the Militia: Initially, I went on the forums today to find a clan to play DayZ with but after reading this I would really be interested in joining due to the fact that this is an interesting concept and I would like to get rid of the stereotype of "there's no one friendly in DayZ". What can you offer the Millita: I can offer my time, organisation skills ability to talk to people and my skills in DayZ. Are you a team player: When I have the opportunity to be in a team - I am. I enjoy playing with other people than being alone. It adds to the experience and it means I can ensure my own and others safety. Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Yes. When playing DayZ I find the best thing to do is to carry just what you need. At the end of the day you can just find the gear again. Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: No, not any notable groups. So far in DayZ the only group I have played with is my two friends. Steam name: Mrbenybob I live in the UK but I can play at any time.
  6. Name: Ben Gaming Name: ApriL or Benybob Age: 16 Location: Northern Ireland Games: Starcraft, League and Mount and Blade Experience: I am good at E-Sports and now play a lot of DayZ Why do you want to join?: My friends are not at the same skill level as me so I want to find people who are better to roll with.
  7. lol @ the retards who don't get it.
  8. Although admin abuse is a problem, I believe admins should have power to police their own servers. Just as rocket said it's a small minority doing this.
  9. At least now you can find a better server to play on :P
  10. ApriL

    How to step over barbwire

    Sometimes you just can't get over it due to the way it was placed, if you have a toolbox you can destroy it though.
  11. ApriL

    Slow Zombies

    Slow zombies will mean more zombie to keep it balanced. There's only a certain amount of zombies you can have before shit starts to lag. Players are the problem, not the zombies. Leave the zombies as they are, there needs to be more co-operation between players and we will get in that in the future.
  12. ApriL

    US 1251

    Get some screenshots and video and then report them for the global ban. :)
  13. If your a clan then just find one? It's not that hard on a low population server.
  14. ApriL

    Medic Clans?

    A medic group would be cool, but they couldn't fight back. :P
  15. Keyboard and mouse are just simply better though. There's nothing like the accuracy of a mouse and the amount of hotkeys you can have on a keyboard.
  16. Zombies just get "too easy to kill" again once you get a rifle, sniper or shotgun.
  17. They got nerfed but I would expect in the near future that they will be "unerfed"
  18. ApriL

    Hackers on 281, 500 SipTippy, 1241

    You need proof, screenshots or videos - that sorta stuff. They can't do anything about it if they don't know who is hacking and they also need proof that they actually are hacking like a picture of the crate. :)
  19. Haha "That bitch had to fucking die"
  20. ApriL

    Car chase of a red car in DayZ

    Awesome :D:D:D
  21. ApriL

    Trade : RPG Ammo

    You might have problems, the ammo is slightly rare :P