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About ApriL

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  • Location
    N. Ireland
  1. To make things a little more interesting... There is a Mi17 chopper at the North West airfield. Happy hunting! :P
  2. ApriL

    I Want You!

    My server (in signature) would be ideal for your group. With a low player count you could take advantage of this and establish yourselves on the server as the dominant clan. :) Just shamelessly plugging my server... :P Hope you find some buddys!
  3. ApriL


    Not so locked.
  4. ApriL


    Hey another guy who is going to become famous through DayZ commentary...
  5. ApriL

    Heroes unable to pick up chemlights/flares?

    Just another bug in DayZ... I am sure you can wait to SA.
  6. Use the DayZ commander launcher. Chances are you are doing something wrong that it will fix.
  7. ApriL

    vehicle? Can't find any.

    Trust me on my server you wont have a problem find vehicles. Low population and chances are you will be able to play without being shot in the head by a random sniper. Just went up - I have barely played on it and all the vehicles are there waiting to be found.
  8. BritishZ is a new private hive server. The server has unique vehicle and buildings on the map of Chernarus. With a low population it means that this server is perfect for people who play alone or in small group.Recently I decided to switch server hosts for DayZ. Hopefully the transition will mean I will have a lot more control over my server. Details: Server Map: Taviana Mods: No Mods but custom vehicle and building spawns Server Location: London Server Time: UTC Side Chat: Enabled Details: Game 3rd Person: Disabled Crosshairs: Disabled Nameplates: Disabled Day/Night cycle: Enabled Connection Details All our welcome and I hope to see you on! I will keep updating this thread with info I forgot to add! :)
  9. ApriL

    Hero Or Bandit? [POLL]

    8 people have voted (At the time of posting this). That's not exactly a large portion on the community O.o
  10. ApriL

    Hero Or Bandit? [POLL]

    Doesn't really make sense. You could be a bandit and yet aspire to be a hero.
  11. ApriL


    These guys can help http://reddit.com/r/redditrescueforce
  12. Ok just ban them without evidence? (lol)
  13. Why don't you just play the game normally? Explore and learn in-game. I would find that a lot more enjoyable than doing what you want to do. It's not hard getting the items you want to get anyway.
  14. ApriL

    DayZ Globan Ban?

    Now what exactly do you mean by "hacks". Please specify so we are all on the same page. :)