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About Fraggla

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    On the Coast
  1. Hi, we've been playing quiet often on that Server now with a Group of 4-6 Players. Yesterday we went to Berezino and found another Group of Players. There was a shot out and 3 of em died, along with my buddy (Anemia) and me. My other friend (jimmydiadelta) survived. 30 Seconds later 4-6 Blacklist member died. I have no idea what happend there, but the best bet would be, that they crashed their chopper. After that the Server went down. . . Now both of my buddys are banned, but it seems like I'm fine. Also they tend to use scripts to play server-wide soundfiles, which destroys the feeling of dayz completly. I mean this is supposed to be an intense shooter, and they kill it with stupid soundfiles (loud as fuck) as well as spamming the global chat.... Won't play on that server again, but there is some stuff in tents that we need....