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About bobyoyo12

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    On the Coast
  1. i can live with anything its a video game!
  2. Damn i just got done playing dayz for the night and this is my story. So i was at the north west airstrip and i have an m107 sniper. I see two people looking at a crashed heli and i snipe them both then i go loot there bodies but i attract a shit ton of zombies. i start to bleed but i have no bandages and so i run back to the fire station and luckily find one. then when i am running back my mouse givves out so i start to use my track pad. i loose the sight of the bodies so i just go for the heli. i pull out my ak74 kobra and spray down like 12 zombies. Then i find this http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Bizon_PP-19_SD and i am at like 3000 bloood and i run back to the fire house and log out. SO NOW YOU TELL YOUR STORIES DOWN BELLOW AS A COMMENT!!!