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Everything posted by br00mmmm

  1. br00mmmm

    Do you parachute?

    Just tried it -- died as soon as we pressed eject.
  2. br00mmmm

    My 3day experience at Lingor Island

  3. br00mmmm

    Community banned for hacking?

    You're on the wrong website if you want to deal with BattlEye. http://www.battleye.com/
  4. Killing someone that had good loot -- nothing compares to the adrenaline rush... thinking about how they've probably spent hours, maybe even days or weeks accumulating all that gear, only to have it taken away by one well-placed bullet.
  5. br00mmmm

    AUZ server with side channel

    The talking fridge resides on ANZ 1.
  6. br00mmmm

    Standalone Suggestion (maybe even Aplha)

    Soooounnnnnds good!
  7. br00mmmm

    DayZ suddenly locks up computer??

    You're referring to the splash screen with "DAYZ" in big letters, right? Chances are your computer isn't capable of running/loading ArmA 2. Please post your system specifications for further analysis.
  8. br00mmmm

    Am i banned for forever?

  9. br00mmmm

    I am so confused, please advise

    Aliens maaaaaaaaaaan... aliens.
  10. br00mmmm

    On second thought....

    There are plenty of servers where registration in order to obtain a password is required.
  11. Yes, your character will be saved.
  12. It would be an upgrade, yes. But in my opinion you should just cop it on the chin and purchase a 670 or 680 and be done with it.
  13. br00mmmm

    Graphic's in the standalone dayZ

    I'm running a 580 and I get around 40fps in cities, the devs were running ArmA 3 on a single 580 at E3 and were getting 50 - 60fps everywhere on pretty much the highest settings. In other words, you'll be fine.
  14. br00mmmm

    Advice for the NW Airfield?

    I don't bother with the NW airfield - as of the last update (and the many, many duplication glitches) you can find pretty much everything in tents around the borders, albeit going to the NW airfield does get the old adrenaline pumping.
  15. br00mmmm

    Can't Right Click Items

    The items have to be in your direct inventory for the RMB options to be avaliable. As for the disappearing... are you using Steam overlay frequently?
  16. br00mmmm

    DementiaGaming Recruiting

    Why, oh why, are you called "DementiaGaming"?
  17. br00mmmm

    Day-Z Has Gone To Shi*

    Don't worry, The Reaper1712. I'm here for you. Cry your heart out - it's ok now. It's ok.
  18. br00mmmm

    I Ask Elektro Snipers This

    Satisfaction and practice. You can taste their salty newspawn tears.
  19. br00mmmm

    BattlEye GUID

    ~ Nevermind.
  20. br00mmmm

    Don't help people. Ever.

    You must be new here.