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Mr. Freeman

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Everything posted by Mr. Freeman

  1. Mr. Freeman

    Favourite vehicles? [POLL]

    Bike...never have to worry about that pesky fuel gauge :D
  2. Mr. Freeman

    Weapon Poll

    M1911 - Plentiful ammo, convertible from revolver ammo, strong. Lee Enfield - Once again, plentiful ammo, super accurate (practically a sniper rifle w/o a scope), drops targets 80% of the time with one shot. M24 - One of the only non-.50 cal sniper rifles capable of killing in 1 body shot. Also able to combine/disassemble ammo from DMR mags allowing for easier ammo management.
  3. Mr. Freeman

    Why are the AS50 and M107 in the game?

    And this made me lol :D
  4. Mr. Freeman

    Why are the AS50 and M107 in the game?

    If you had every tool and that kind of gear then you had no reason to go inside Cherno. You could survive by getting everything from the wild. And if it was medical supplies you were looking for, there are hospitals in smaller cities.
  5. I personally think sniping is fine as it is, and this is coming from someone who can never seem to get their hands on one. The .50 cal rifles are a bit too common yes, but soon you will see the use of them slowly decrease with the self filling ammo fix. Yes I know that duping still exists, but I believe that their use will still significantly drop. I also think that the other rifles should still be able to one shot body kill (what would happen if you got hit center mass with a M24 IRL?), and that is why I voted No. Also, remember that its just a game, and if you enjoy playing it and don't want to get shot by snipers, stick to cover and avoid open fields that are surrounded by wooded hills. :P
  6. Mr. Freeman

    [VIDEO] Green Mountain

    Please tell me I wasn't the only person expecting a T-Rex to come out of the woods. :D
  7. Oh god.....so much trolling... D:
  8. With the newest patch release ( I am finding that no matter how long i swim I am no longer dropping items, is this a bug or is this an intended feature? I hope its intended personally. :D
  9. Mr. Freeman

    Electro Super Market Massacre **Watch**

    Just a side note, you were in the Group Channel, not Direct Channel, so he didn't hear you saying anything to him :P
  10. Mr. Freeman

    Lack of night time?

    I've noticed a trend when searching for good populated servers to play on. Whenever I get on servers which are in my timezone, say around midnight or 1 AM, it is always broad daylight.... Now to some people this may not seem like a problem, playing at night can be rather challenging, especially when you are not properly equipped; I however like playing at night, it feels like a almost completely different game and I like both the change in game play and pace. Is there something I'm missing? Am I just getting really unlucky when searching for servers to play on at night or do practically all server owners have them reset when it gets dark in order to avoid playing in the dark?
  11. Mr. Freeman

    Lack of night time?

    Already am, and it helped me find a night server :D
  12. Mr. Freeman

    Loot balance?

    I can agree with you on a few points, especially in small towns. I tend to find large amounts of ammunition and sodas, but when it comes to canned food there hardly seems to be any. In larger towns such as cherno and elektro canned food seems to be spilling out into the streets, but once you go inland you are pretty much out of luck as far as food goes. As far as the tools needed for hunting, I never have any issues finding the hatchet and hunting knife; but when it comes to matches, they are no where to be found...at all. I search houses, barns, firehouses, and even all of those in the big cities, but I have never ONCE found a box of matches that wasn't pulled off of the corpse of a decked out player. Now I'm not complaining really about the food thing, hey it's the apocalypse, food is going to be scarce, but I do feel that they should cut back on ammunition and soda drops while adding just a little more food. (Also maybe its just the fact that magazines refill after login that leads us to believe that ammo is overly plentiful)
  13. Mr. Freeman

    Lack of night time?

    Wow, just got done downloading it and the layout is 100x better...thanks a lot for the reference!
  14. Mr. Freeman

    Lack of night time?

    I'm currently using Six Launcher but it has been giving me a lot of trouble lately; would anyone else recommend Dayz Commander?
  15. Mr. Freeman

    Lack of night time?

    At first I thought it was just mislabeled time zones but after join several servers (with different time zones) I did not find a single one that was dark :(