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Everything posted by rackley

  1. So I ran into an extreme bit of luck. I found a completely stocked off-road vehicle. Got a gilly suit, NVG, binoculars, map, matches, Sniper rifle, assault rifle, etc. Basically, everything you need to survive on your own indefinitely. Here is the thing, I got bored. End of the story was I drove my off-road to a military base in the middle of the night. Approached it on foot...but I forgot bandages! I got punched by a zombie at the base before I hatcheted it to death and then I bled to death. Kind of ironic, I had like 9 bandages in the off-road but it was so far away. I'm actually happy about it. I get to start over now, it's really the funnest part of the game.
  2. no it had a FAL and an as50, ammo about 10 jerry cans, tons of beans and soda, and random car parts. I'm going to go look for it later just for shits and giggles to see if it's still there. I also had a tent where I stashed some more gear. I'm interested to see if anyone found that too. Both are in pretty good hiding spots.
  3. rackley

    Play as a zombie

    This has to have been suggested before. Add the ability to play as a zombie. Could be a fun change of pace when you're frustrated playing a survivor. Make it so when you die, you just quickly respawn as another zombie. Can't pick up anything but you have the same abilities as AI zombies (fast sprint).
  4. Googled and I couldn't find anything. I've seen a few people in-game and in-videos do some kind of side step over barbwire if it's low enough. I can't seem to do it. Is it just strafing sideways slowly? Any help appreciated.
  5. rackley

    Play as a zombie

    Good point. It would probably ruin the whole sneaking around thing for survivors. You could make it so player zombies couldn't see the survivors unless they reached a certain sight or sound threshold but that would be freaking boring wandering around town waiting for someone to come out of cover. Sounds like a bad idea unless you added some new mechanics just for this feature.
  6. So I was doing pretty good, had a weapon (hatchet) which was better than average for me so far. I was running through a field. Saw a downed chopper, I was like "sweet!" There was a mob of zombies that spawned as I approached. Crawled through the mob. Right as I get to the chopper, I hear "pop!...zing...pop!" coming from the tree line. Some dude is firing on me. I take cover behind the chopper, afraid of disturbing the mob of zombies. The guy sprints through the mob up to me and empties his rifle into me. First, how is he able to just run through a mob of zombies firing his rifle at me. The zombies completely ignored him. Seems like I get aggro-ed when I crawl too close. Is there cheating going on here? Second, why do people do this? I'm carrying a hatchet and he has an assault rifle. Why wouldn't he offer to team up with me? A lot of douche bags in this game.
  7. Relatively new player here. I've played about 15 games and I've yet to find a canteen. It's a tough game but I enjoy the realism. It seems unrealistic that the only way I could drink water would be from a canteen or a full can of soda. If I was dying of thirst, I would stick my head in the pond in drink up. There are also tons of empty containers lying around. Why can't I use those to drink? Surviving would be hard but this is an unfair handicap because it's not realistic.