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Everything posted by aggressivek

  1. aggressivek


    Its happened to me before I knew better. Don't abort when you're in a vehicle ever because you'll re-spawn in the motion you were in. For example, I aborted once riding a bike, joined a different server and was in the motion of riding a bike and I couldn't move or anything. But just get a buddy or someone to kill you and you'll be good again.
  2. aggressivek

    Hacks or a glitch?

    Yeah, usually when you're bleeding from a shot or something other then that you lose a lot more blood then 6-10. It sounds like you're food or thirst might be low and that could be the cause because I've never had this happen to me before or even heard of it.
  3. aggressivek

    How to get into the same server of a friend?

    All you have to do is both find the same server. Once you both find the same server you both should be fine. But if you both can't find the same server, try going into the in game multiplayer search and have both you search that way. Sometimes DayZ Commander doesn't find the server that my friends find, so I use that other method.
  4. aggressivek

    Hey Anyone wanna play

    Just one tip if you're starting out stay away from big cities if you don't wanna die :P stick to small towns or small populated servers. Shit gets real when you get into a high populated server and then the scripters come out. But if you wanna play sometime just message me.
  5. Theres a possibility, but I'm sure most people will stick with the standalone but ill still play the mod just because of all the tents I have atm :D.
  6. aggressivek

    Horrible bug. Please help.

    Is it showing that you're dead or just passed out? If its glitched and you keep dieing but aren't able to respawn just try and find a friend that came come over to where you spawned and just have them kill you.
  7. aggressivek

    Debug Monitor

    Yeah, its not suppose to be there right now or atleast for most people it isn't even showing up. I wish you were able to move the icons around though, that would be pretty sick.
  8. aggressivek

    Post your humanity!

    Well I'm not 100% sure what mine is but I'm sure its really negative. Anyway to tell now without the de-bug monitor on?
  9. aggressivek


    If you're looking for people who are friendly go here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/14-survivor-hq/ you'll have better luck there.
  10. aggressivek

    Laser Marker

    Yeah, its not suppose to be in the game but it is pretty cool. In DayZ it acts almost like a rangefinder and a thermal scope its pretty sick.
  11. aggressivek

    DayZ is out of control.....

    It was a script kid, these kids aren't hackers. Just go along with the game until something comes along to fix all the things wrong or just wait till the standalone. The things these kids do make me mad sometimes but most of the time I laugh lol so just go along with it.
  12. Are you looking to be a survivor or a bandit? If bandit hit me up.
  13. aggressivek

    DayZ app?

    Hopefully they do add something like that in game, when the full game comes out. That would definitely be sick.
  14. aggressivek

    Why is the M14 so overlooked?

    The M14 is the best gun imo. I hate sniping and most assault rifles are horrible. The M14 is definitely my favorite gun in the game!
  15. aggressivek

    DayZ app?

    It would be cool if an app came out to track stats and maybe some other statistics when the standalone comes out.
  16. aggressivek

    Is KOS really that big of a problem?

    Thats why this game has two roles a survivor and a bandit. You have the choice of being one of the two and yet people still get butt hurt when they're a survivor and a bandit kills them? Its because they chose to be a bandit and not a survivor, personally I can't stand being a survivor because its boring to me. If you're a survivor and you don't wan't to die, stay off of high populated servers or if you wan't to be in high populated servers stay out of the big cities, its as easy as that.
  17. That's a pretty dumb idea! I've ran around and found hacked in guns on bodies and in random places. The script kids that are putting the guns in the game should be banned, not the players finding those weapons after they spawned them in.
  18. aggressivek

    Big Foot In Dayz - READ

    If this is true it would be awesome just to run around and mess with it.
  19. aggressivek

    Day Z Wallpapers

    Love this one.
  20. aggressivek

    First gun you ever found in DayZ?

    First gun I found was a Makarov and then seconds later I found a Lee Enfield. Neither of them had ammo though kind of a bummer.
  21. aggressivek

    How do I play now that i'm fully geared

    Just run around small towns if you wan't to stay alive. I wouldn't suggest going into Electro or any of the big cities if you don't wan't to die or if anything just play on low pop servers and you should be fine. For me I can't stand surviving for that long, I like going into high pop servers and just walking around in the big cities killling anyone I see :).
  22. aggressivek

    How can lone player increase humanity?

    Pretty much by helping random players but when doing that you also have a chance that the player you're helping could turn on you. Which is why I'm a bandit, I don't wanna take any chances with people :D.
  23. aggressivek

    Can You Use Skype For DayZ?

    Yes, Skype works with DayZ.
  24. aggressivek

    Awesome Loot

    Found a M14 and pretty much every tool possible on a random guys body near the coast yesterday.