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Everything posted by aggressivek

  1. aggressivek

    Looking for other US Players

    If anyone wan'ts to play tonight Skype: AgKissane Steam: AggressiveK
  2. I've played the mod back when it first came out and everyone I know hasn't gotten the SA yet, so anyone looking to run around together that has some knowledge of the game give me a message with your skype and well go from there! Ill be on all night. Looking for people who are up for murdering and surviving.
  3. aggressivek

    Reason behind your username?

    I've had Aggressive since I started playing the Arma II mod awhile ago, I guess it just portrays my play style xD
  4. I love that the system is complicated that means people won't be able to just run around killing, they'll have to take care of themselves as well.
  5. aggressivek

    Soldier Clothing...

    Its a scripted in item and nothing can happen to you if you use it.
  6. aggressivek

    Another noob on DayZ..Me

    Try using this thread if you have any questions about the game. http://dayzmod.com/f...elpful-threads/ Some tips from me are if you're new to the game and aren't ready to die, stay in small towns and loot those until you feel comfortable in combat and dealing with other players. You can do whatever you wan't though :P. Also until you feel comfortable id suggest playing on low populated servers but thats if you don't wan't to make friends :) out of the few people that are actually friendly in this game :P. One last thing trust who you wan't to trust but people will turn on you, so just watch your own back. Also this is a good map to use if you don't know the map yet and don't know where you're spawning. http://dayzdb.com/map#2.146.073
  7. aggressivek

    what do you do with beans?

    Eat them.
  8. aggressivek


    Pretty much only on DayZ Commander you can check that.
  9. aggressivek

    US 1601 Base Cords

    Ill go check it out and see if I can find anyone ;)
  10. I find the Lee more then the double barrel, so I'm going with the Lee Enfield :P
  11. aggressivek

    G36C SD

    Yeah the G36C SD is a scripted in weapon and in all honesty its the worst scripted in gun, it might look cool, but its not powerful. And some servers kick players that have hacked in weapons, found a AS50 TWS on a dead body a few days ago and I was kicked in the server I joined after and respawned with nothing.
  12. aggressivek

    Good hacker free server?

    Private Hives or just stick with the low pop ones even if they're boring, they still have less traffic and less scripters.
  13. aggressivek

    NEED HELP!!!

    What do you mean by a custom skin? Scripted in skin? Explain more :P
  14. aggressivek

    Headphone problems

    What type of headset are you using? I know Skype has an option in one of the menus to make the audio go through the headset but I'm not sure about the DayZ audio going through your headphones.
  15. There are private servers if you look around I'm sure you can find one. There fun to play on but I don't play to survive, so I'm sure that would be good for you.
  16. aggressivek

    Vehicles/camps disappearing

    Usually servers don't delete tents, its most likely a bug and just check back in a day or two and if they aren't there then it was probably wiped.
  17. aggressivek

    Fix duping, and wipe characters...

    Just gonna have to deal with it until the standalone comes out and then hopefully everything will be fixed.
  18. You can climb and crawl up stairs with a broken leg and you need morphine to heal your broken leg every time.
  19. First life I didn't have much knowledge of the game so I didn't really know what to do at the time. I was playing with my buddy and we were looting the church in Cherno and while we were looting the church we killed one guy coming into the church and about 10 minutes later we were still in the church and that guy and his buddy came back and put satchel charges around the church and blew us up xD. My first death and that life probably lasted me over a day.
  20. aggressivek

    What would you have done?

    If you even go to the NW airfields there is such a high chance someone will kill you haha. I would have done the same because I'm a bandit and I've tried to be friendly before and that never turns out good so I always shoot first.
  21. I would do exactly what you plan on doing, id search the map until I found my stuff again. Had a someone steal my URAL before with pretty much everything in it and we just started over instead of looking for it but that was fine with me gave me something to do again in the game :P.
  22. Once you have the scarf around your head, you're a bandit. I'm pretty sure it still takes what 5 kills to become a bandit? If I'm correct still.
  23. aggressivek

    Is there a map as..

    Good choice of learning the vehicles before you use them in game. Wish I would have made that choice haha.
  24. aggressivek

    You know?

    I don't understand what you're saying xD.
  25. aggressivek

    Your Final Words Before Death

    Its usually "I will find you and I will kill you" :P.