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About DartzXX

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. DartzXX

    Veteran looking for partner

    That sounds good info?
  2. DartzXX

    Veteran looking for partner

    Funny, that better?
  3. DartzXX

    Looking For Group!

    Sure, but I don't know about starter equip. I can help you get equipment.
  4. Hello Guys, I'm 20 years old (US) and I've been playing DayZ on and off for 2-3 months now and I'm trying to get back into it. I didn't have a steady partner the last time I played which led to me quitting DayZ for awhile. Now I'm not looking for someone who's gonna constantly harp at me to play, since I am pretty busy balancing school and work. I am looking for a casual player who'd like to team up with a common goal in mind. Survive, Arm and Explore. I usually play on the weekends and sometimes Tuesday and Thursday nights on weeks I don't have work. If you have the same availability and goals, your welcome to join. I'd like to get a group of 2 or 3 people to play with a microphone. If your interested leave your skype & steam down below or in a PM if you prefer to stay private and a little something about yourself.
  5. I've been playing DayZ for a couple weeks. I know the basics. And have made it well on my own. The game is just loosing it's lust without a couple people to play with. I'm 20, mature and usually play during the night on daytime servers. If interested send me a pm or leave your skype/steam.