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About PeakOfDominance

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  1. PeakOfDominance

    US 3751

    hero guy that i played with. im the bandit that accompanied you to the NW airfield. it was like a treasure hunt that had a lot of wild turns, but we both lived and got epic loots. from the moment i saw you and almost blasted you point black in the face, to the zombie rampage in stary where i got mike tyson'd twice and you bloodbag'd me, it was a great run and i wish more runs could be like that. hit me up here if you happen to read the forums, id like to travel with your buds (that medic guy and someone else, bobbyjr?).
  2. going on everyone's response here, i will likely be ordering a 40 person server from you guys since the MC server i was playing on decided to give everyone the shaft but streamers.. and still expect us donors to pay for their server. prices are decent also. played on a few SS servers.. and while initially they werent good, they have improved dramatically over time and each SS server i log onto has loaded pretty damn quick.
  3. you started this thread, you are a herp derp fatty troll, you intentionally posted in the wrong section for teh internet dramaz. srsly, are you that lamefuck beytill?
  4. GTFO gothapotamuos. i agree though, his hacker friends need to be banned. also, he's not on his server now.
  5. my wife of 13 years thanks you for the compliment. brb getting my junk touched. glad i could provide lulz.
  6. my beans.. you have them...
  7. good, we're all laughing our collective asses off at your stupidity, especially if you try and link a VOD from his twitch page. try harder troll, no one believes you. post in the right forum and see how fast youre ignored.
  8. agree with you there. kaos should be banned as well. cant stand any hacking, period. also, try harder fatty troll. GTFO my pic and worry about your scripting ass getting banned. go yell black jesus on other servers and see how far you get when you start godmoding everyone. try harder trolls like you get pissy when they cant harass people streaming so turn to harassing other people. LOL try harder you fucking troll.
  9. try harder troll is mad towlie banned his scripting ass, decides to stir up drama on the forums. i agree, this thread is pointless but lying sacks of shit should be shat on, repeatedly.
  10. some servers are banning people that pick up items from hacked ammo crates n whatnot. be careful, just avoid ammo crates period.
  11. shut your fucking mouth and post the fucking video. everyone on the stream saw you hack and say black jesus crap then spray everyone with bullets. btw, you arent allowed to highlight towlies videos. TRY HARDER FATTY TROLL BANNED HACKER
  12. its ok you lying sack of shit. towlie banned a hacker, probably you, and youre butthurt on here, lying your ass off. TROLL HARDER FATTY!
  13. PeakOfDominance

    battleeye not responding

    few days ago, my dayz stopped downloading the initial 41k file after you hit ok. rebooting the router was the only way to get it to work if i needed to hop servers. fast forward to today, dayz wont even download the initial file even when directly connected to my DSL modem kicker is, sometimes i can download and play, but more often than naught it doesnt work updated to the latest arma 2 and dayz patches. seems like i can join a FEW .4 servers but NO .5 servers
  14. PeakOfDominance

    Guy livestreaming just alt+f4'd.

    waaah waaah! towlie didnt give me attention on his stream!!! waaah waaah get out more nob. towlie didnt play the game YOU want so you rage. 1) his friend died. 2) he couldnt find the sniper. logically you find a safe place and log unless you dont want to keep your shit. GTFO.