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Everything posted by wyre

  1. I'd love to see a lot of selected features from ACE mod. The fast roping, improved tow/chopper lifting, backpack system working on weight/item size, maybe endurance and wounds system too but they could be a bit of a pain. Backpack system seems unrealistic to me in that I can carry 18 toolboxes exactly the same way as 18 epi's so the size/weight thing some ACE servers work on is more realistic and intuitive to me personally. Basically you can fit a few big things or many little things in a given bag size. As for the weight if it goes over reasonable weight for your class you get tired quicker and can't sprint as far (just a few m with real heavy load). I wouldn't copy the civy class edurance specs though, spec ops or regular grunts (not crewmen who have poor enduro). So many of the features in it would work well in Dayz and really add to it I reckon but some people maybe would prefer current system especially the bag thing.
  2. wyre

    The Greatest Ninja Bloodbag of All time

    I get the same level of gratitude for blooding friends ;)
  3. wyre

    fresh spawn kit

    Took this with bits had lying around in my comp desk draw to make my brother laugh, thought I'd share it here, enjoy :) Now to take a proper photo I just need to gte together a big knife, axe, ammo, ghillie, epi and morphine, blood bags and other items that'll get me put on a special government watch list for nutters Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  4. wyre

    fresh spawn kit

    haha it's not a genuine morphine sulphate 30mg, just a migraine pill that is a close shade and hue shifted in pshop to match real m30mg pill. Guess I'm trying to survive being eaten whilst fully conscious hehe
  5. wyre

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    I found a few, not seen any hackers myself but no doubt they exist. Just luck in some ways not seeing it, not something that can be predicted and posting here you'll attract some who are doing it to grief to can't guarantee and advertise it. As for the demonisation of this mod wtf? How many mods are there for arma and people act like dayz is the only one. Sure a fair bit is based on the back of dayz but dayz itself took a lot of content from ACE and even zombies I remember being around since Yomies in flashpoint years ago and missions like farmhouse and the red volcano mission I forget name of. Mods, especially for arma/op flash often get incorporated into others work if there are enjoyable features and controlling it too tightly will hurt the original in cases like this. lingor wont touch the base of dayz players; if anything it will bring a few more in with the extra variety. As for the ban it lock it and FUD over playing get over yourself, it's just another mod lighten up. I've had my own stuff taken and built on but in modding it's all for free and fun and they've released it for free not trying to capitalise on it. I just don't have time for the dayz exclusivity peeps.
  6. I'm 30+ gamer safely on the way to my 40's and been gamer since I was a little kid on my dragon32 and atari 2600 so I can appreciate how much it has to offer. Even compared to modern releases it is one of the few to favour complex play, proper sandbox structure rather than so called sandbox games which are sandbox worlds but with linear missions throughout. Even the ones that are bit more open tend to just be a choice of linear progressions. Due to the style I think it probably will even out with the griefers and casual players who exploit will die off in time and move on where arma/op flash base will stick around keeping community going the way it always has. Eventually it will be harder for them to exploit too with the standalone being on the cards now and Rocket having access to engine side changes now due to BIS backing so they'll get bored fast. There will always be some level of cheats but it won't be that bad. Bloody hell crysis and the like where much much much worse. I saw cheats on every server and no attempt to fix (having many values set client side was downright silly). Sad fact of life is as multiplayer expands these days due to increases in available bandwidth games can support more players; I'm talkin about small private server model not the MMO style massive servers. Also cheaper providers etc means multi playerbase grows too and as any player base grows so wil lthe chances of encountering the griefers and immature (not necessarily age thing) player along with those more suited and experienced with MoH and CoD shooters that appeal to the lazy short attention span base who would rather alt-F4 than see death as part of the game.
  7. Nah people been doing this shit for years. I been a flashpoint fan since it came out an although this mod has brought more casual players and kids in than earlier ones such as farmhouse or yomies zombie mods people still did shit like that then, I'd heard of a lot admitting to having their eth cable close in some games to physically pull it out the router when they knew they were trapped just so the other team wouldn't get a kill (gear was meaningless and unwanted so was just spite). Any permadeath game, one with lootables and some level of effort required to get them people try whatever. Ruins the game for me hence don't do it as it's pointless. I'm somewhat of completionist and enjoy challenge and enjoy winning some losing some, but many cannot take losing and in alpha stage features are being added so we aren't at the fix it stage yet so just accept it or come back later since as much as I don't like it complaining is pointless and the issue is to be expected.