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    Woodland Warrior
  1. The last 4 times I died were due to hackers... First killed me inside zub tower when I cleared the area a week ago literally behind my back, next one svergino 5 days ago fully geared by heart attack, today in the middle of the woods when I was prone literally behind my back, I respawn after that and die by heart attack, I respawn again and die by heart attack 1 min later. Unplayable game.
  2. START

    Disconnecting fix/Ghosting fix? "ALT+F4".

    Better idea is to be able to make a pile of leaves where you can sleep. Wouldnt take any inventory space and everyone can make one in a forest.
  3. It is good, but we really need some melee abilities. Knife, hatchet, hit with flashlight like in doom?
  4. So a group of bandits can not bandage themselfs, are not able to share stuff and cant talk to each other. How is that realistic? o.o
  5. START

    Crossbow Ammo

    It is relootable, sometimes at least. I would rather want being able to stack bolts at 3 or 5.
  6. START

    a creative idea

    LOL Poor guy. His life just ended. Literally.
  7. Like the idea and agree with you. Hide body should require a shovel.
  8. START

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    rocket you totally watched SideStrafes new DayZ video^^
  9. So now its a survivor and survivor TDM. :rolleyes: It did not worked pre 1.6 and it do not work now. Its hard to implement something that would solve this problem. Because there a alot of douchebags, im not talking about bandits who kill in order to survive, but people having fun killing others to ruin their progress or give "you should not trust someone again" lessons. Seems like there are A LOT more killing on sight after the patch so what is the suggestion? I only read about bandit skin being bad, its true, but what are you SUGGESTING instead? Some people should learn to discuss or to stfu. The only things i can think of right now are more teamplay stuff like blood packs and a shortcut keys for yelling "FRIENDLY!!!" and "Give me your loot or I'll shoot!"
  10. You could post that here http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=8272
  11. Suggestions for this Mod to be more realistic and teamplay focused. Drop weapons: Basically for more realism. When you got shot in the arm, you lose your weapon and cry out of pain. The person who shot you have more time for decision to force you to give him the loot he want and let you alive or just kill you OR you manage to pick your weapon again somehow and kill the hostile yourself. (More realism, chance for survivors to stay alive) Wounds should not heal fast if you look after them yourself: If im bleeding i can bandage myself in order to stop bleeding, but the bandage should be changed in a while, so my wound dont get infected and i start losing blood again. Basically you need to bandage yourself multiple times untill you are really good, because you cant do it properly on your own. A teammate although can bandage you properly and you dont have to bother again. Same concept for broken legs etc. (More realism, more teamwork) Spawn only with home equipment: If we are supposed to be soldiers than let us spawn with an AKM and army gear. I think we play this game as civilians so let us spawn with the stuff ordinary people have at home: 1 can of beans, 1 soda, 1 bandage and a flashlight with battery (add batteries as loot). (More realism, more challenge, less bean wars) Less slots for map and compass etc.: How many do have now? 10 or 12? Thats way to much. A hatchet should take away 6 of the slots then. You can carry as much loot as in Skyrim at the moment. I would rather have 6 slots and you have to pick what you take with you and what not. (More realism, less gain for players that kill each other, more decisions how to play)
  12. START

    We need a ingame friend list

    Well not everyone play via steam or even have steam. A lot of people and me personally play via six updater. And also you cant see the servername on steam.