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About coldie48

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. coldie48

    Stuck on Loading

    Mikey, I've ended up at the same point. Spawned into the debug plains (with my old gear?), the respawn option was there in the esc menu but i immediately spawned back in the debug plains. It's a step in the right direction, I think.
  2. coldie48

    Stuck on Loading

    I, like you, most likely have my character data corrupt on the hive. When you say you are working with the Dev Team, does this mean actively? Or a ticket of some sort? I would also like to be doing something about my character data being corrupt on the hive, and (as I was killed by a hacker the last time I played) don't care if I have no items, I would just like to play on the official hive. If you've gotten any sort of response from the dev team themselves, I'd be grateful if you could share.
  3. coldie48

    Stuck on Loading

    Still nothing, I've since played private servers and tried lingor, but I would really like to play on official hive servers.
  4. coldie48

    Stuck on Loading

    mikey, yes, that is exactly what's going on. playing on a private hive works flawlessly.
  5. coldie48

    Stuck on Loading

    This seems to be associated with hackers. I know that Mikey, pepperoni, and I were in the same server (pepperoni's 1966) when a hacker teleported everyone to an island, and we all died (I assume). I quit the game after that death, and have problems consistent with what's mentioned above. The loading screen after the character creation screen, which if I am not mistaken is the part where your client speaks with the hive, freezes forever.