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Everything posted by blindi

  1. depends really, most servers run their own config and the whole recruit/regular/veteran is meaningless as some recruit servers have no crosshairs and so on, that's why imo we need a common naming convention that all servers stick to
  2. FPS goes down to unplayable levels once you are able to lose zombies because they will investigate your position. Tried it by losing them through a barn and my fps took a nosedive after that. Several of my friends have reported the same thing. Sound levels are way too high atm as well, you are unable to lose Zombies because they will always hear you, going slow or prone won't help much if they still investigate and refind you since going prone still makes you visible. Firing your gun in that situation won't help either cause you make sound, Zombies will come to your position and since we're still having Zombies respawn infinitely and immediately it is pretty pointless to do so. Go ahead and call me a scrublord and CoD kiddie but I'm not playing this game until it is possible to use every feature without breaking my fps to unplayable levels.
  3. NO Simply reduce the amount of starting mags and bandages to half of what it is now and reduce the spawning chance of makarov mags. As it is now they spawn in such abundance that playing carelessly with the makarov is no problem at all.
  4. It seems there are not many people who have played EVE online on these forums. I'm sure many if not all of you guys have heard of Pandemic Legion. Well they are a PVP Alliance in EVE and one of the better organised ones, one of the groups that think up new ways of killing people. The thing is, the more tears being shed about "mindless PVP" on this board the more successfull "COD Kiddies" actually are. Your fun being ruined is one of the things that gives them motivation. I find it weird that people say that this kind of behaviour is easy mode. You need to be pretty well organized to stave off the Zombies repeatedly spawning in droves as well as killing players. The lone wolf won't make it at the coast and he will have a hard time up North as well. Face it, this is a survival game and if this were the real world it would be nigh impossible to survive by yourself. Group up, get organized. METAGAME this Mod. Go with a buddy on vanilla arma and scout out the map for vantage points. Start putting in work, this is not a AAA game meant for all audiences with a 2 hour tutorial that explains how you walk. Try to get into the group that keeps camping your favorite loot spot only to betray them with your friends when the time is right. To take EVE online as an example again, the most successfull alliances in that game are the ones playing dirty, the ones that don't care about ~~honoure~~. I know people from this game that do nothing but scam, spy and metagame all day. If you want to be successfull then try ruining their experience. If you wanna just run around eating beans and drinking coke with your 10 day old character that RPs a hermit then that's fine but don't expect the game to be created solely around this experience.
  5. blindi

    Will familiarity kill this mod?

    I do not think that familiarity will kill this mod. If you know the good loot spawns then the chances are pretty high others will too. When I started a week ago there was hardly anyone near places like Stary Sobor or Zub, now no matter what Server I log in I can always hear shots in the distance in that area or players trying to get good gear. The more familiar players get with the map the more dangerous it will become for you to obtain high end gear since more players will try to get it.