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Everything posted by Jordanp56

  1. Jordanp56

    Last Resistance - Needs More

    Steam Username: jordanluke929 Age: 17 You must have a mic: I do Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: yes Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave? Nope, but have always been interested. Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: none Would love to try some more structured team based stuff on this mod, I am a bit of a newbie, but im not a cod fool by any means.
  2. I'm heading west into cherno, from the east, i'll check back in a second when im a bit closer
  3. I'm afraid I cant, from my vantage on the hill, I can see a road with a bridge heading towards cherno, should I stick to the coast?
  4. Approaching Pik Kozlova to the east of cherno, where should I aim for?
  5. heading past elektro power plant now, enroute to cherno docks
  6. Try and meet in cherno? I'll take a country hike to get there, try and avoid zeds....
  7. Otmel? I'm checking now on the map man, I think i see elektro down the coast a bit
  8. I'm about to spawn on the server you guys are all on, where to join up?
  9. Alright, i'm Jordan, in game name Riobe, i'm from the uk and have just started playing dayz, could do with finding some fellas to team up with, i can play now if you fancy it?