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About Niqlas

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  1. Yep, I logged off after my last comment and will test more tomorrow, but i've kept the thirst and hunger menu's completely gone in my inventory tab, and as soon as the white message comes through I make sure to eat and drink again.
  2. An hour later and it doesn't seem to have changed, I've kept my food/thirst 100% since my first reply. Sitting in a daytime server and ... nothing. I have loads of medical supplies, including some odd ones, anyone have any ideas?
  3. If I can find a daylight server and check my colors, anyway.
  4. Thanks bud, I'll report back with what I find.
  5. Stuck up at NE airfield geared to my teeth but I am low blood from food/drink early on - any way to get blood on your own, via food, medical supplies, etc?
  6. Seems to be the case, thanks bud.
  7. This was a lucky find, not a military spawn point. My question is if there are barracks/tents located anywhere in or around Berezino. Appreciate the stupid fucking remark though mate, cheers.
  8. Been wandering around for about 30 min and haven't come across any (though I did find an m4 and bipod in the school).
  9. 7 fps in mod 35+ fps in standalone Enough said. This is alpha. If you didn't want a buggy, bare bones game, you should have waited. The mod is still up and running, nothing is stopping you from logging on. Dean rushed to get this game out before 2014 because the fans screamed "WE DON'T CARE WHAT IT PLAYS LIKE" now, unfortunately, he's got to deal with the minority, who apparently don't understand disclaimers, screaming "THIS GAME IS SHIT!" OF COURSE ITS SHIT, ITS ALPHA, what the hell do you think we're all here for? We're telling them what the bugs are so they don't have to take 35x as long to scour the game for them alone. Anyone who has any complaints about the state or direction of the game needs to get back in their private hive donators box and dmr some fuckin' "bambies" in elektro until full release comes out, and leave the stress testing and bug collecting to the adults. You have core mechanics, new areas to explore, new items to loot and a couple of people to run around with as you play a ground floor game that you can actually have a voice in shaping, what the hell else do you want? Dean and the boys on the dev team didn't make you buy - THEY DIDN'T EVEN ADVERTISE IT! Hell, I was going to take a few days off of work to enjoy release, but they put it out as stealthily as they could so people wouldn't do just that, and be disappointed by how early it is. I'm personally LOVING the game, (I'd love the game in daylight even more, but I'm managing) I couldn't imagine actually being upset by a release like this. It's exactly what we've all been crying for.. Enjoy the fucking process of alpha testing a game or go back to the mod, playing at this point in the development process is a privilege, act that way. They could have just as easily pulled a couple hundred select community members out of a hat and had them privately alpha test the game, but instead put it out for sale with a heavy disclaimer and open fucking arms. Now shut the fuck up and eat some beans.
  10. Niqlas

    I have yet to see daytime.

    Which I did long before posting this. I have yet to see daytime on that server either.
  11. wtb daylight. EDIT : have yet to see daytime here.
  12. Is there a US server that currently is on daytime, or are they all the exact same? I have yet to see daylight in SA unforunately.
  13. Literally just threw everything I could on very low/low (except clouds, because they make it brighter at night) I was very worried as well, but am insanely suprised. I haven't been to anywhere larger than balota but it seems to run amazingly everywhere else. Feels completely flawless to me so far, extremely smooth - at least campared to the mod.
  14. In the DayZ mod I averaged 7-15 fps, the game was unplayable on everything other than the Dayzero servers, even then it was extremely difficult. Immediately after opening standalone I changed every setting (other than clouds - because they help at night) to the absolute lowest.... and ho-ly-shit. I am actually seeing DayZ the way a normal person must see it. I have no idea what my frames were (may check later) but what I do know is that the game isn't choppy in the slightest, and it's magical. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for giving me the DayZ experience I've been waiting to have for such a long time. Cheers.
  15. on the forums/reviews i read it always said you started with a few weps - i was pissed haha