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About ssd

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  1. hence why I said this would be a bad idea to implement now.
  2. Thought of the following idea for how to prevent server hopping: When the player logs out, it should be treated as if the player is going to sleep. This means the following: 1) Player still appears on the server and can be killed for a specified period of time (somewhere in the 30 second - 5 min range) 2) When the player logs back in, they start slightly hungrier, thirstier, and with less energy when they first log on, scaled to how long it's been since they logged off (if it's been long enough, no penalty). Maybe a short period of grogginess could be added as well, which would limit the player to walking and maybe add a slight blur to the screen. All of these penalties should be subtle - just enough to give an incentive not to server hop and to force players to log off in a safe area. Thoughts? (NOTE: this shouldn't be implemented at least until loot/zombie respawns are implemented as it is rather difficult to gear up without server hopping currently).
  3. Here are several ideas I would love to see implemented: 1) Since dogs are already being added, and other wildlife may be considered in the standalone - there should be zombified versions of all animals added. For dogs for example, I'm picturing Resident Evil style zombie dogs, either on their own or in roving packs of zombie dogs. Some of these zombie animals should be faster than the human ones, and should be able to catch up with you even if you are running. 2) If a player is killed by zombies, they should get back up as a zombie NPC - seems like a standard component of zombie fiction/games/movies. 3) Ideally I would love to see the zombie spawn method be entirely different, but I don't know if this would be feasible. Instead of spawning them as you get close to an area, there should be a set number on the map at any given time (ideally a much larger number - see idea #4), and it should be possible to fully clear out areas. 4) Huge number of zombies, and much slower. I'm talking Romero style zombies, by the thousands. So that it will be highly possible to become surrounded by Z's and be completely screwed. 5) Related to #4 - I would love to see huge groups of zombies forming by chance, The Walking Dead style. This works much better with slow zombies, but could work with fast ones as well. With slow ones though, it allows for, for example, a single zombie to see/hear you and start following you, and another one sees it and decides to go the same way, until hours later they're still headed your way, only now there's 100 of them. No matter what changes are made, I do believe that zombies should become a much bigger threat, since this will make PKing a much bigger deal since some level of cooperation should ideally be required for people to survive. Please comment on any ideas you like! EDIT: forgot one suggestion. there should be some servers with "real" permadeath. ie 1 life and if you die you're done on that server. it would really ramp up the intensity greatly.
  4. Yeah i could go for a PM as well, I've given up on the game at the moment due to repeated hacking based deaths (90% of my deaths at this point)
  5. ssd

    Yet another hacking thread

    I haven't even encountered the mass teleport yet, just the mass "everyone is running along and then falls over dead out of nowhere". incredibly annoying.
  6. Sorry to add another post to the flood of recent hacking-related posts, but it's become too annoying not to post about. Several times recently, a few after *finally* getting decent gear, hackers have killed everyone on the server simultaneously - everyone just falls over dead. It's become incredibly frustrating, since this is already a difficult game to get into as a newbie. I'm almost tempted to stop playing it entirely, because there's nothing fun about running around for hours searching for gear only to inevitably have it all get wiped because some guy wants to be a dick. It guarantees that I will never see end-game content, and that I have little to no motivation to do anything to do anything other than grab the first weapon I can find and then kill random people near the coast if I can even do that successfully without dying. Questions about all of this: 1) Are there any servers that get hacked very rarely, if at all? 2) Is it worth continuing to play with the game in this state? I love the game itself, but with constant deaths from hacking (nevermind all the glitchy in-game problems, that's a separate issue) it's very hard to continue wanting to play it. 3) Those of you who have been hack-killed, especially regularly - how do you cope with this? Do you just not even try to get good gear? Or resign yourself from the very beginning to getting killed by some total BS that has nothing to do with your actions in-game? I guess I'm just getting really frustrated with the game because of this. Yesterday a guy tried to rescue me while I was bleeding out, couldn't save me in time but grabbed all my stuff, and some of his clan's, and spent hours driving it down to my new spawn. I basically had everything I'd possibly need. Switched servers, and within 20 minutes a hacker killed everyone on the server, and everything was gone again. And that was after 20 min of extremely carefully sneaking through the woods to ensure not being killed.
  7. ssd

    ENB Settings?

    doesn't seem to work. will play around with it more tomorrow.
  8. ssd

    ENB Settings?

    Yeah there's a ton of different options for skyrim, I have yet to try directly porting over my skyrim enb settings - maybe that'll work, definitely worth trying
  9. Has anyone tried using ENB with DayZ? I found one post on here saying to use the Fallout NV settings, but after struggling to get it to work, when I finally did all it did was put a green tint over everything. However, I know from using ENB with Skyrim (theoretically a similar game in terms of environment - lots of trees, nature, etc) that it can look awesome. Anyone know of good settings for DayZ, and where to find them/what version of ENB to use?
  10. Also more generally I'm looking for a group that can play regularly weekdays between 8:30 and midnight EST, and weekends from like noon or so til midnight
  11. spawned in Otmel now, still looking for someone to play with for the next hr and a half or so
  12. Well I actually just died, all hell broke loose in Komarovo haha. Ended up killing 3 people and then some random guy came up and killed me with a hatchet. PM me and I will give you my skype name Still interested in teaming up with anyone who is interested
  13. I'm pretty much a newbie, I've played for about 5 hours or so but never survived more than 30 min. Just got a mic today so I'm all set with that. I am currently in Kamenka on my way to Komarovo. Let me know if you're interested.
  14. Is it considered cheating to gear up on an empty or near empty server, then switch over to a more populated one?