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Everything posted by Thing

  1. You can use a hatchet as a weapon if you right click and select 'Remove from toolbelt', It's actually pretty handy for small groups of zombies (<5) if you can sneak up on them 1 at a time.
  2. Thing

    Loot spawns

    yup... that would be a 'bug' :-)
  3. Thing

    Where's the loot?

    I don't think this is the case... those odds (1:5 of finding anything, 1:10 of finding anything useful) are about the same as what I am seeing when I play normally, running from town to town. It takes so long to get about and sneak into the next town that I am usually either starving or dying of thirst. Maybe just a problem with the servers in my area, or some hacker is strip-mining servers. I AM finding weapons, but as you can only carry one weapon at the time that supports the strip mining theory rather than just some item-spawn bug.
  4. Thing

    Is this a fair kill?

    You can have my gun when you pull it out of my cold dead... oh you just did. Damn!
  5. Thing

    Is this a fair kill?

    Don't blame the victim... You're an evil murdering bastard - be comfortable with your choices :-)
  6. Thing

    Where's the loot?

    Got to love the internet. We truly live in a golden age :-)
  7. Thing

    Where's the loot?

    Thanks but I already have that map. Knowing where things SHOULD be is not the problem. As a test I went into the supermarket a Polana (empty) then switched from server to server to see if I could find any instance that had loot. I had to switch 3-4 times before I found anything at all ( some flares and a backpack). I did not find any food at all (1 tin) until about the 10th server. Those odds just aren't good enough to survive normally without switching servers (which should really be considered cheating anyway). Regardless I am not seeing the amounts of loot people are finding in the tutorial videos. Either the game is broken or someone has figured out a way to teleport around the map, strip all the loot, then switch to another server. I know I am not the only person seeing this, and until it is fixed the game is just broken IMNSHO
  8. Thing

    Where's the loot?

    Thanks, I used some chem lights to see around the supermarket at night. Verified there was no loot at night either :-) if only. Could eat the chem-lights...
  9. Thing

    Loot spawns

    I think it's a bug. I've been on a quiet server and went to 3 deer stands (all empty), a barn (had some flares and empty tin cans) and the supermarket at Polana (also empty). Didn't see a single player but everything was empty. Either there was a bunch of invisible people looting everything in front of me or it's a bug. Glad I starved to death as I was dying of boredom anyway.
  10. Nope. I have the same problem. All stores empty, all houses empty, barns sometimes have a weapon, as do deer hides, but not enough loot elsewhere to stay alive. Does not feel like bad luck - feels like a bug. See my other thread 'where's the loot'. ps: I have a god damn map already. Knowing where things SHOULD be is not the problem.