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About merkury713@gmail.com

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    On the Coast
  1. merkury713@gmail.com

    Good Loot Route for teh Newbies

    @calthehunter Enough of the, "now that it's on a forum, it's too well known to work" bullshit. The route is meant for fresh spawned palyers with bad spawns, it isn't viable to farm this route for kills. The amount of people who either die, get a bad south spawn, see this post, and choose to go this way, (which, by the way, has alternate routes in it, making it harder to predict movement if you think someone IS taking this route), is going to be low enough as to make it worth while. No one with a brain would try to farm this route for kills, if you need to ask why or you think otherwise, then gtfo. As was said earlier, you obviously either overestimate the patience of bandits, or you think all players whould coincidentally follow this exact route and ruin it for each other (i.e. try to kill each other), or both. It can and will help more people than it can or would harm. So, go ahead, post your route.
  2. merkury713@gmail.com

    Ambushing CQF (and stealing their Ural).

  3. merkury713@gmail.com

    Bandit/Survivor/Humanitarian Idea (moved from General)

    @Golgo82 1. Let's critically think here: how likely is it that a bandit will be able to efficiently be able to kill many people that are vulnerable enough to have to shoot a zombie and not notice the bandit? Key word is efficiently, I know this would probably happen here and there, but it is a lot better than farming spawns on the coast, since new spawns don't even get weapons and therefore can't defend against zombie attacks usually. 2. If he lured a zedtrain into some surviviors, since he is a bandit, unless the survivors don't see him coming, they can shoot him without penalty, be it sooner or later. If he did that, it would be very risky and he would probably get shot or killed by zeds himself, especially if the survivors had guns to defend against zeds. (this is keeping in mind that the players can call out via voice chat or notice that he cant lower his weapon). 3. Since many weapons spawn inside buildings, it would be hard to again find an efficient spot to do this for kills, and, if at all, would probably only happen by chance or luck. And, after a player loots a weapon, he could lower it or he would probably not be in a position prone to being sniped. First off, let me say that no where does it mention that humanitarians must wear police/doctor clothing, so you don't need to be a target in the first place. If you wanted to use bandit clothing for other deception purposes as well, you can keep the clothing, but seeing as you are a survivor, you are able to lower your weapon and salute people. So, unless other bandits tell you to do the bandit-only animation to prove you are a bandit, you should be able to keep two appearances up if you so desired, depending on the situation. Also, the reason why bandits wouldn't be allowed to lower their weapon is so there is a visible stance of being passive while still having a gun out i.e. not in your bags). Obviously that bit could be replaced with a different bandit only animation, but it is needed to enforce the mechanics in which the system being suggested operates in. -Merkury
  4. merkury713@gmail.com

    Good Loot Route for teh Newbies

    @T8TRG8TR If you are talking about my map, then yeah, if you dont find a map in any inital barn/general store it can be pretty extensive and overwhelming. However, just look for key spots such as landmarks/roads that you cross and make sure to alt+tab and refer to the route as much as possible, and if you DO get a map, make sure to shift+left click a checkpoint or a spot you might have trouble getting to, as this will set a waypoint. -Merkury
  5. merkury713@gmail.com

    Good Loot Route for teh Newbies

    Hey guys. Just thought I would post this loot path/guide I made to getting good loot fast, making your way to the north, getting geared for pvp, avoiding trouble all the while, the whole time having a terrible south coast spawn. I'm sure everyone's had a Kamenka/west Komarov spawn, and trek like 10 minutes to Cherno or Balota only to get killed by zombies or players, and respawning in the same spot only to do it again. Well, if you get a bad south coast spawn, definitely check out this path I made that values high-yield loot locations, quick routes, low player traffic, and an easy way to get decent gear ending in a NW airfield run. The run is a very efficient route than allows you to pick up fast, medium-high quality gear while avoiding as much trouble as possible until you can take it head on more comfortably. It is worth mentioning that if you are newer and you are shifty about hitting up NW airfield, playing on a server with only about 10-20 players or maybe on recruit difficulty can be a safe bet to make sure yor NW airfield raid goes a little more smoothly. I definitely wouldn't recommend the last part of the route if you are playing on a veteran server with 35-40+ people on at, as NW airfield can have high PvP traffic. So, with that said, here it is. Hope people can get a good kick out of it. http://i.imgur.com/W7qVc.jpg If you check it out and like it, let me know what you think of it. If you didn't like it, tell me what you think you would have done differently, quicker paths/more efficient routes etc. Really hope this helps people who get those shit spawns every once in a while. -Merkury