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About Krymzon

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Krymzon

    I have two characters?

    Could be some of the servers you're joining are private hives. The official hive character is seperate from private hive servers so that would be why you have your regular character stuck on the island. And then once you join the different server you're back on mainland with the alternate character. Basically anything done on the private hive doesn't affect your main official hive character. Or maybe it's just a bug 0.o But my guess is private hive vs official hive character.
  2. I rolled back to .4 and it worked perfectly fine. Vehicles and tents inventories started saving. However the hive crashed and my whole server got wiped so... =P
  3. Yup, server I was just in with about 20+ people got systematically shot by some invisible person 10 feet away with a DMR. Then once we all respawned everyones legs got broken all at the same time. Then I died from zombies, ran all way to Elecktro and... he teleported to me and killed me again. Also he teleported to my camp and crushed all my tents.
  4. Krymzon

    us369 Server OFFLINE

    Hi there, I was playing on this server at about 6:00 PM (PST) driving a tractor through a field (bad idea I know =P) Next thing I know I hear a huge explosion. I check my surroundings and I see the source. Someone has just crashed a helicopter in a field close to me. Its on fire, smoking, and looks pretty much destroyed. So I get out of the tractor and move about maybe 20 meters away and all of a sudden it's being lit up by the M240 machine gun mounted on the helicopter. At first I didn't think anything of it other than bandits. So, I run behind cover. Immediately after the tractor is destroyed I hear what sounds like M107 sniper rounds being shot at the tree I'm hiding behind. So I peak out and shoot a few times at the helicopter. He stops firing his M107, and then to my surprise I hear a helicopter engine spinning up... right where the first helicopter is destroyed and on fire with a huge smoke plume going into the sky. Next thing I know I peak out for a split second and then get shot by the door gunner of the helicopter ONCE and I fall over and die. The coordinates this happend at are (071, 097) NW of Mogilevka and SE of Vyshnoye in the plains around those cities. I can confirm that they spawned a second helicopter because two of my friends in Teamspeak at the time were being chased down in the helicopter by them after I died. Also, afterwords, I ran all the way back to were my corpse is and sure enough, the wreckage of a helicopter is in the field. Hope this helps you guys out and notifies you of potential cheaters on your server. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get the names of them. (ingame name: Krymzon)