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About Mucwa

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    College, Video Games, Modding PSP's, and creating/playing music (guitar, drums, and piano).

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  1. Wow this thread really got off topic since I've last been here. Sorry to all those people that I didn't reply to, I had to concentrate on my school work, but I'm back for now.. I'm currently in the process of making a new profile, one that doesn't require so many keys to be changed in-game. If anyone has any questions/problems with the current set-up please ask, I'll try to help you out the best that I can.
  2. Mucwa

    [GUIDE] Xbox Controller Support Using Xpadder

    By auto-run I mean that I can have my character run or sprint forward without having to hold down any buttons. I find it really helpful when I'm running for a long distance. In xpadder I changed the right button on the d-pad to "W" and added the toggle function on it to make this happen. Then I moved whatever key that was originally on the right d-pad (I believe it was the compass key) over to holding the left d-pad for 3 seconds.
  3. Mucwa

    [GUIDE] Xbox Controller Support Using Xpadder

    Well I gave it a test run last night and so far it works really well! I did some minor tweaking to the profile like adding an auto-run and changing sprint to double tapping up on the left stick. I'm not sure if it's a bug or not, but I've found that when I was using the head look button too frequently that it would stay locked on. The work around to this is just to double tap the button and it would snap back to normal. Overall this is a great tutorial, I really like how easy it is to set up. Great job InTheCatBoxAgain!
  4. Mucwa

    [GUIDE] Xbox Controller Support Using Xpadder

    Awesome! It's great to see another Xpadder profile out there; I'm gonna give set-up a go and see how it feels. Thanks for putting this up for others to see!
  5. Hey adelaide, it sounds like your trying to use the in-game controller set-up. If you want to use the controller scheme that I've setup you'll need to go to the controller setup page in-game and disable both controller with scheme and no scheme. If your still having problems let me know, we'll find out what the problem is and fix it. You'll be playing DayZ in no time. : ) -Mucwa
  6. Hey kevanko it sounds like your using the Arma 2 controller settings. If you want to use the control scheme that I've set up you need to disable the controller and control scheme in Arma 2. You can do that by going to to the options, then controls, then select the controller tab at the bottom of the screen. Once your in the controller tab all you need to do is click on your controller and hit disable. Do this for both custom controller and controller with scheme. Thanks for voicing your question, I knew I missed a step or two when typing up this guide. I'll be sure to add this to the guide.
  7. Hey guys, after reading a couple different posts about people asking how to set up a controller for DayZ I decided to create a guide that will hopefully help those who would like to play DayZ on a controller. Before I start the guide, I would like ask the trolls to refrain from posting things like "K&M is better, go back to xbox noob". I understand that K&M has a lot better precision for FPS, but some people feel more comfortable playing on a controller. Some of those people can't play on K&M due to some type of disability. Now that that's out of the way we can begin the guide! Step 1: Download xpadder Xpadder is a program that allows you to configure almost any type of controller to use keyboard keys. It is essential if you want to play DayZ with a controller and have all the controls available to you. You will need to have the latest version of xpadder, which is 5.7. I recommend buying it from the official site for $10. The site can be found here. Once you've downloaded xpadder you will need to give it administrative privileges so that it'll work properly in DayZ. You can do this by right clicking on the xpadder program and selecting properties. Once the properties window is open, click on the compatibility tab and then check "Run this program as an administrator". (This process might be different depending on what OS you're running, I have Windows 7.) Step 2: Configure/ Import Controls The next step is to either configure your own control scheme for DayZ or import the current control scheme that I'm using. First plug in your xbox 360 controller and then start up xpadder. If your computer isn't recognizing your controller then you probably need to update the controller drivers. I've attached my current controller layout and scheme if you want to use them. All you need to do is download the files and put them in the xpadder folder. Once you've placed the files in the xpadder folder open up xpadder and click on the controller icon and select the file you've downloaded. For the control scheme just click on the page icon and select the DayZ profile. My controller scheme is based off Monte87's. You can find a post about his controller scheme along with a link to download his profile here, however every time I've tried to download his controller scheme and import it I've gotten an error from xpadder. My workaround was just to configure my controller scheme exactly like his, which took me roughly two hours. Also Monte87 changed a few controls in game so if you plan on using his controller scheme or mine, you need to change a couple controls in game to the ones that he did. He has instructions on how to do so on his post. You can download my Profile and Layout below. DayZ Profile & Layout.zip Edit: I've replaced the old profile to with the new one, which allows for helicopter flight. I've never been lucky enough to use a helicopter, so I don't know if the controls need to be tweaked. If someone with a helicopter available to them could test it out and let me know that would be great. I've also changed a few more controls in-game, all the controls that will need to be changed in-game are posted below. Stand Up ==== Double Tap X (Should show 2xX when set.) Walk or Run Toggle ==== Left Shift Walk or Run Temporary ==== [REMOVE] Compass ==== [REMOVE] Compass Toggle ==== K Watch ==== [REMOVE] Watch Toggle ==== O Freelook === Left Alt Center Look ==== [REMOVE] Auto Hover on === P Eject === Right Shift Get Out === ; Toggle View === Left Enter (non-NUM Pad) I've changed DOWN on the d-pad from Watch to something I call Helicopter Mode. Helicopter mode changes all the controls to better suit helicopter flight. Once you get in a helicopter all you need to do is press DOWN on the d-pad and everything should be set! Step 3: Test it out! Once you've got the controls mapped all you need to do is test it out in game! Its kinda hard to remember the all controls right away so I recommend that you write all the controls down on a piece of paper as a reference. Once setup properly the controls for DayZ are: Movement Movement: Left Stick (Double tap forward to sprint) Toggle Run/Walk: Click left stick in Look: Right Stick Toggle Free Look: Click right stick in Zoom: Hold Left Trigger Crouch: A Prone: Hold A Stand Up: Double Tap A Jump over object: UP on d-pad Toggle 1st/3rd Person: Select/Back Lean Left: Left Button Lean Right: Right Button Combat Toggle Aim: Click Left Trigger Fire: Right Trigger Switch to Primary/Secondary: Y Reload: X Toggle Weapon: Double Tap X Adjust Range Up: While holding left trigger A Adjust Range Down: While holding left trigger B Inventory & Misc. Inventory: Start Action Menu Down: B Action Menu Up: Hold B Binoculars: RIGHT on d-pad Watch: DOWN on d-pad Compass: LEFT on d-pad The Underlined actions can be changed to the Flashlight and Map keys if needed. Helicopter Toggle Helicopter Mode: DOWN on d-pad Increase Thrust: Left Trigger Decrease Thrust: Right Trigger Left & Right Turn: Right Stick Nose Up & Down: Right Stick Bank Left: Left Button Bank Right: Right Button Auto Hover On: A Auto Hover Off: B Eject: UP on d-pad Get Out: Y The underlined controls are used to get out of helicopter mode and return all the controls to default. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask! Edit: Finally got around to uploading the new profile, I've tested the new link and it seems to work again. If the link doesn't work for you then just send me a message with an email address that you use and I'll send them to you in an email.
  8. Mucwa

    Anyone else use xbox controller

    Have you ever heard of a program called xpadder? Not only does it allow you to bind keys to your controller, but it allows for up to eight control schemes to be used by one controller just by pressing a button (I found the d-pad works best for me). An xbox 360 controller has 24 buttons on it. 24 minus the 7 buttons used to change schemes times 8 is 136. In theory I could map every key on your keyboard with a few buttons to spare and that's not including all the macros and double key presses available to me. Please don't talk down to other players just because they don't want to play a game the same way as you. Just as it is in life, no one way is right. To the OP, if your still interested in using a controller send me a message and I'll happily help you set up your controller for DayZ.
  9. Mucwa

    new to pc gaming

    If your still interested in using a controller for DayZ then I would recommend getting a wired xbox 360 controller and using a program called xpadder, which allows you to setup and use almost every type of controller on any game you want. If you need help with any of this just ask, I'll be happy to help.
  10. Is this the post your talking about? I started using his xpadder profile last night and it really works well. I really like how he slowed down the mouse sensitivity when you zoom in to help you take better shots. He even got inventory management down pretty well by using the dpad. If anyone is just starting to use a controller I would recommend checking Monte87's post out first.
  11. Its nice to see another controller user playing DayZ. It took me five days to program everything on my wired xbox 360 controller, another three days to get all controls down. Now i'm relaxing on my couch, playing DayZ on my big screen, and not having my hand ache from prolonged use of my keyboard and mouse. I don't know why everyone is bashing on people who are trying to use a controller, some people just don't like using the keyboard and mouse setup, it's just not comfortable for them and takes away from their gaming experience. I do have a question for the OP though, have you ever tried using a program called xpadder? It's free and is alot better then using the DayZ controls interface. If anyone has questions or needs help setting up a controller just ask and i'll help you out.